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  1. #1
    joeydonuts is offline Banned
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    Exclamation need advice PLEASE!!

    i'm 21 years old and am injecting 300 mg of test enthanate (sorry if spelled incorrectly, not running upstairs to check bottle) one a once weekly basis. i have been on this for approx 6 weeks and am seeing great gains in size and strength. after my 10 week cycle of this test, i want to start up another cycle. WHAT SHOULD I USE NEXT? NO STACKING. i'm hearing deca very loud, but am unsure about potential side effects (i realize all of this has the potential, but i hear deca is especially bad when it comes to side effects). in any event, i'll be jumping to injecting 2x a week on my next cycle instead of once weekly. basically i need to know what i should use next. i'm 173 pounds (175 on a good scale) and the only major factors for me are what will work, more specifically what will work even better now that i've shot test. lastly, does anyone have any advice on milk thistle, estrogen blockers, and combining supplements? i take glutamine and a centrum daily, but that's about it. if anyone can give me ANY kind of help, i'd greatly appreciate it. not a newb, but not as experienced as most. thank you!!!!

  2. #2
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    This is no good. First off you obviously haven't done ANY research whatsoever. You have not mentioned anything about PCT, so i'm guessing you don't know what that is. Also i'm willing to bet that you have a bad diet. You can't get done with a cycle and jump right into another one. Terrible. You have a lot of reading to do. Start in the educational/diet/PCT forums. Deca only will shut down your natural test production and give you "deca dick," not a good thing if you plan on getting any ass. RESEARCH!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Welcome to AR

    do you know what PCT is?

    Do you know that Test E should be shot twice a week not once

    do you know that taking Deca alone is a bad idea if you like your libido

    175lbs???? how tall are you???

    Just how soon did you want to start your NEXT cycle???

    How can we suggest anything without knowing your goals??

    Help us help you, answer ALL The green questions below if you want more help

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by joeydonuts
    i'm 21 years old and am injecting 300 mg of test enthanate (sorry if spelled incorrectly, not running upstairs to check bottle) one a once weekly basis. i have been on this for approx 6 weeks and am seeing great gains in size and strength. after my 10 week cycle of this test, i want to start up another cycle. WHAT SHOULD I USE NEXT? NO STACKING. i'm hearing deca very loud, but am unsure about potential side effects (i realize all of this has the potential, but i hear deca is especially bad when it comes to side effects). in any event, i'll be jumping to injecting 2x a week on my next cycle instead of once weekly. basically i need to know what i should use next. i'm 173 pounds (175 on a good scale) and the only major factors for me are what will work, more specifically what will work even better now that i've shot test. lastly, does anyone have any advice on milk thistle, estrogen blockers, and combining supplements? i take glutamine and a centrum daily, but that's about it. if anyone can give me ANY kind of help, i'd greatly appreciate it. not a newb, but not as experienced as most. thank you!!!!
    LOL no stacking? please elaborate on this and then when u are impotent i will laugh at you because your gf will dump u for sucking in bed.. or boyfriend..which ever. AND NO DECA is VERY MILD, so once again im unsure of your source of information. if you say your not a n00b i will have to go against you on this as a noob who has researched would have a better grasp on aas than you at this point in time.

    wat you should use next? probably lil more research, some TIME OFF and i would like to know how tall you are, your training history, YOUR DIET which im sure could use some SEROIUS work, and your cycle history.

    BTW deca cant talk...

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Welcome to AR

    do you know what PCT is?

    Do you know that Test E should be shot twice a week not once

    do you know that taking Deca alone is a bad idea if you like your libido

    175lbs???? how tall are you???

    Just how soon did you want to start your NEXT cycle???

    How can we suggest anything without knowing your goals??

    Help us help you, answer ALL The green questions below if you want more help
    >< why you always so nice?

  6. #6
    crazycrab is offline Associate Member
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    You need to come off and doe pct. Read up so you do not harm your self. there is a lot of great info and people hear to help.

  7. #7
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    cause I like cake !!!

  8. #8
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    cause I like cake !!!
    fair enough lol

  9. #9
    Outta Kontrol is offline Associate Member
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    Finish the next 4 weeks of Test only do proper PCT and leave gear alone until you get some more research under your belt. I understand a forum is meant to pose questions, however, the answer to most (if not all) of your questions can be found easily just by browsing th previous posts and reading through a few comments. Understand what goes in your body before you stick yourself. I suggest hitting up the PCT and diet forums and asking questions about nolva, clomid and HCG before you ask any more questions about doing another cycle. just my $0.02

    175 lbs???... YEAH how tall are you?

  10. #10
    gigem's Avatar
    gigem is offline Banned
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    do some pct and then do alot of research before your you 2nd cycle

  11. #11
    joeydonuts is offline Banned
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    wow i thought people were on here to help other, not ridicule them. first, i was trying to be brief on my original post. i didn't have much time and just wanted to convey the basics. second, i'm working with a veteran juicehead who also happens to be my barber and a very good friend. anything i know to this point is thanks to him and i think he's been a great help to me. now to answering the questions. i do not know what PCT is but since many of you have pointed out that this is of great importance, i will definatley research it. my age: 21. height: 6'0''. weight: 173. body fat %: 14. diet: i've been eating strictly organic foods for over 2 years now (before i started eating that i weighed 240. then i lost 98 pounds and was around 155 before i started training). lots of chicken. lots of eggs (mostly egg whites). sufficent whole grains. NEVER fast food. NEVER soda or any other drink besides NATURAL SPRING water and organic juices. (so much for that bad diet you were sure of). training: i work out 5-6 days a week. chest 2x a week, shoulders 2x a week. leg day. back/bi day. run 30 min 3x a week. say what you will about my training but i've seen tremendous results in size and strength and even definition. previous cycles: none. just some protein. goals: increase size and strength (obviously) but to a lesser extreme than most. ever since i lost all that weight i've been happy with my lean shape and i just want to pack some muscle onto it. a good weight goal might be 190-200 so an additional 20ish pounds. i did plan on going into my next cycle within a few weeks of getting off this test but if there are strong objections to this please let me know. i listen to everything and weed out what will work for me and what may not. whoever mentioned that test enth should be shot twice a week, you're right. however this is my first time using juice and i wanted to ease my way into it and allow my body to gradually adjust during the first cycle. no potential for abuse. one last question: can i expect to see side effects after this first cycle despite the 1x/week injection? thank you to everyone who responded, even if you were criticizing, making fun of me, or helping me. i ask that you continue to do so after reading this. thanks again

  12. #12
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Well your barber doesn't know squat about steroids so tell him to stick to cutting hair.

    PCT is the most important part of ANY cycle as it is what helps get your natural test running again after you shut it down!!!

    Deca by itself is NOT a smart idea, as it is one of the most supressive compounds and without running some exogenous testosterone along with it, you are running the risk of having major libido problems. some have them, some don't, but why risk it?????

    Layout your daily food intake per meal here and we can tell you if your diet sucks or not. Just cause you are eating what YOU think are good foods, does not mean you are eating enough of the right macros at the right times in order to grow

    Injecting test e once a week is only for HRT doses. For bodybuilding purposes, once every 3.5 days is better to keep blood levels more stable at higher doses and helps to reduce unwanted side effects.
    6 foot tall and only 173, you do not need steroids to get to 200, you should be able to easily get to that WITHOUT steroids in fact I would recommend that you get to at least 200 naturally before considering using any steroids again.

    Was that nice enough for you????????

  13. #13
    Cat316 is offline Associate Member
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    sman is right i bet your arent eating nearly enough food...and starting next cycle in a few weeks? you are supposed to be off for the amount of your cycle plus pct (which you obviously arent going to do) your looking around 14 weeks off bro not a couple

  14. #14
    joeydonuts is offline Banned
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    haha you don't have to sugarcoat it. i'm a big boy now. i wouldn't say my barber doesn't know squat about steroids as he's been a user for several years know and competes here in NJ. he is somewhat wreckless in that he shoots frequently and several things at a time. but that's neither here nor there. i am fairly familiar with PCT know that i looked it up and it's the acronym for post cycle treatment. i was infored to use (again sorry for misspellings) novladex or arivodex to keep my gains and to help keep estrogen levels low. more extensive research on these will be done as i come closer to the end of my cycle but if anyone thinks neither of these are for me and has an alternate please tell me. id deca by itself is not a good idea, what should i use following a test cycle? like i said earlier, i don't want to stack because i want to keep my side effect risk as low as possible. good point about the food. if you know a little about organic you know the foods aren't sprayed with chemicals or pesticides or hormones or anything so they are very natural and much better for your body. a typical day for me consists of a bowl of organic cereal (cheerios, rice krispies, raisin bran, etc) and milk around 730. around 1130 i have 2 organic egg and cheese sandwiches on wheat or white bread with organic ketchup and possibly a yogurt. depending if i have work or not i'll later eat something small like a bowl of oatmeal, carrots, organic trail mix, etc. dinner is the major meal and i usually eat it after i work out. 4 days a week it's usually a large heaping plate of pasta with tomato sauce (what can i say, i'm a full blooded Italian), a large chunk of grilled chicken, macaroni and cheese with meat if i'm really gonna cheat. and that's about it. i don't eat as much as i should if i wanted to gain weight but again i want to keep my lean figure and i'm close to a six pack. please give any comments thought or suggestions about my diet. again about injecting x ammoutn of times per week, for my first cycle, i wanted to work my way into it without going full blown 2-3 shots a week so my body can adapt to this new foreign substance i'm putting into it. next cycle is 2x a week, whatever it is. and if i could get to 200 without steroids i would have but after i lost all the weight i went to see a doctor and had blood work done because i just wasn't able to gain any kind of weight. i leveled off around 165. then i took BSN's True Mass and gained ten pounds when all was said and done, MORE THAN I'VE GAINED IN 7 WEEKS ON JUICE! please give me suggestions on what to use next. thanks for replying

  15. #15
    joeydonuts is offline Banned
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    thanks cat. i do plan on doing PCT after my second cycle as it will only be a 5 week cycle. my reasoning for this is i used test on what some consider an infrequent basis with 1x/week and don't need as much time off as i would after doubling the dose. but that may be the inner newb in me speaking...

  16. #16
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    ^ Why don't you take these guys advise? Are you slow or something?

  17. #17
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeydonuts
    haha you don't have to sugarcoat it. i'm a big boy now. i wouldn't say my barber doesn't know squat about steroids as he's been a user for several years know and competes here in NJ. he is somewhat wreckless in that he shoots frequently and several things at a time. but that's neither here nor there. i am fairly familiar with PCT know that i looked it up and it's the acronym for post cycle treatment. i was infored to use (again sorry for misspellings) novladex or arivodex to keep my gains and to help keep estrogen levels low. more extensive research on these will be done as i come closer to the end of my cycle but if anyone thinks neither of these are for me and has an alternate please tell me. id deca by itself is not a good idea, what should i use following a test cycle? like i said earlier, i don't want to stack because i want to keep my side effect risk as low as possible. good point about the food. if you know a little about organic you know the foods aren't sprayed with chemicals or pesticides or hormones or anything so they are very natural and much better for your body. a typical day for me consists of a bowl of organic cereal (cheerios, rice krispies, raisin bran, etc) and milk around 730. around 1130 i have 2 organic egg and cheese sandwiches on wheat or white bread with organic ketchup and possibly a yogurt. depending if i have work or not i'll later eat something small like a bowl of oatmeal, carrots, organic trail mix, etc. dinner is the major meal and i usually eat it after i work out. 4 days a week it's usually a large heaping plate of pasta with tomato sauce (what can i say, i'm a full blooded Italian), a large chunk of grilled chicken, macaroni and cheese with meat if i'm really gonna cheat. and that's about it. i don't eat as much as i should if i wanted to gain weight but again i want to keep my lean figure and i'm close to a six pack. please give any comments thought or suggestions about my diet. again about injecting x ammoutn of times per week, for my first cycle, i wanted to work my way into it without going full blown 2-3 shots a week so my body can adapt to this new foreign substance i'm putting into it. next cycle is 2x a week, whatever it is. and if i could get to 200 without steroids i would have but after i lost all the weight i went to see a doctor and had blood work done because i just wasn't able to gain any kind of weight. i leveled off around 165. then i took BSN's True Mass and gained ten pounds when all was said and done, MORE THAN I'VE GAINED IN 7 WEEKS ON JUICE! please give me suggestions on what to use next. thanks for replying
    I eat more than you before lunch.

  18. #18
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    Man try using some paragraphs in your posts. Anyway, you aren't hearing what everyone is saying. You need to use PCT after this Test cycle you are running. You also don't need to start a second cycle right after you finish the one you are runnning right now. After you stop taking the Test, your natural test production isn't going to be working, which is why youd od PCT.

    If your diet was on par you would be able to gain a lot more weight. The organic foods are good, but you definitely aren't eating enough. You need to be eating every 2-3 hours. A bowl of cereal with some milk is not a good breakfast. Breakfast IMO is the meal that determines how well you feel the rest of the day. Refine your diet and the weight will come.

    Listen to what everyone is telling you. You don't need to run another compound right now. Go ahead and finish your cycle and run PCT. Change your diet and you will see results naturally. Saying you used to be 240lbs is proof that you can gain more weight with the right diet.

  19. #19
    joeydonuts is offline Banned
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    have i declined their advice in anyway you Jew bagel? i've done nothing but thank them and am very appreciative of any help anyone can give. are YOU too slow to see that? you fall into the same category as 34% of all Americans and it's the same category that will soon overtake smoking as the #1 PREVENTABLE cause of death in the this country: OBESITY!

  20. #20
    joeydonuts is offline Banned
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    thanks MrBig. what might you recommed as a breakfast? i go to school most days @ 8 and am always pressed for time which is why i inhale a bowl of cereal because it's quick.

    i am aware of the eating 2-3 hours routine and just having smaller meals. again could you give examples of what i SHOULD be eating at these intervals? maybe you know from past experiences what i should be having.

    please believe me that i'm absorbing everything you guys are telling me and i'm appreciative. thanks to the overwhelming majority of opinions, i am strongly considering taking some time off and doing the PCT before my next cycle. my main two questions from post #1 still have not been answered though. what kind of PCT might be best for me? and what should i go on for my next cycle?

    unfortunatly, the 240 was from smoking a lot of pot and sitting on the couch with mcdonalds. those days are long gone.

  21. #21
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeydonuts
    haha you don't have to sugarcoat it. i'm a big boy now. i wouldn't say my barber doesn't know squat about steroids as he's been a user for several years know and competes here in NJ. he is somewhat wreckless in that he shoots frequently and several things at a time.
    That is not wreckless at all.

    but that's neither here nor there. i am fairly familiar with PCT know that i looked it up and it's the acronym for post cycle treatment. i was infored to use (again sorry for misspellings) novladex or arivodex to keep my gains and to help keep estrogen levels low. more extensive research on these will be done as i come closer to the end of my cycle but if anyone thinks neither of these are for me and has an alternate please tell me.
    Knowing what PCT stands for does not mean you are familiar with it AT ALL, it simply means you know what ti stands for. And do not wait until the end of your cycle to research it. That is asking for trouble. What if you cant get teh ancillaries you are looking for at that time. You are shooting yourself in the foot.

    id deca by itself is not a good idea, what should i use following a test cycle? like i said earlier, i don't want to stack because i want to keep my side effect risk as low as possible. good point about the food. if you know a little about organic you know the foods aren't sprayed with chemicals or pesticides or hormones or anything so they are very natural and much better for your body. a typical day for me consists of a bowl of organic cereal (cheerios, rice krispies, raisin bran, etc) and milk around 730. around 1130 i have 2 organic egg and cheese sandwiches on wheat or white bread with organic ketchup and possibly a yogurt. depending if i have work or not i'll later eat something small like a bowl of oatmeal, carrots, organic trail mix, etc. dinner is the major meal and i usually eat it after i work out. 4 days a week it's usually a large heaping plate of pasta with tomato sauce (what can i say, i'm a full blooded Italian), a large chunk of grilled chicken, macaroni and cheese with meat if i'm really gonna cheat. and that's about it. i don't eat as much as i should if i wanted to gain weight but again i want to keep my lean figure and i'm close to a six pack. please give any comments thought or suggestions about my diet.
    Your diet is god awful, sorry to be blunt but its terrible, looks like something my grandma eats.

    again about injecting x ammoutn of times per week, for my first cycle, i wanted to work my way into it without going full blown 2-3 shots a week so my body can adapt to this new foreign substance i'm putting into it.
    This makes no sense at all, you are trying to use logic here that would be used for AMOUNTS not frequency. Twice a week is the proper way to do it, do it right or dont do it man, simple as that.

    next cycle is 2x a week, whatever it is. and if i could get to 200 without steroids i would have but after i lost all the weight i went to see a doctor and had blood work done because i just wasn't able to gain any kind of weight. i leveled off around 165. then i took BSN's True Mass and gained ten pounds when all was said and done, MORE THAN I'VE GAINED IN 7 WEEKS ON JUICE! please give me suggestions on what to use next. thanks for replying
    You couldnt gain ANY weight huh...yet you simply added a weight gainer and gained 10lbs. That should show you how little you know about nutrition and your grasp on diet as a whole. If you can gain 10lbs using a simple weight gainer than im pretty sure you dont need to be going to the doctors because you cant gain weight.
    It may sound harsh but what I outlined it bold is the plain and simple truth. Your knowledge of nutrition/training/AAS is primitive to say the least. You have no business using steroids and you should take a lot of time off after this cycle and continue to be an active member of this site to absorb all of the info you can in teh diet and training forums.

  22. #22
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeydonuts
    thanks MrBig. what might you recommed as a breakfast? i go to school most days @ 8 and am always pressed for time which is why i inhale a bowl of cereal because it's quick.

    i am aware of the eating 2-3 hours routine and just having smaller meals. again could you give examples of what i SHOULD be eating at these intervals? maybe you know from past experiences what i should be having.

    please believe me that i'm absorbing everything you guys are telling me and i'm appreciative. thanks to the overwhelming majority of opinions, i am strongly considering taking some time off and doing the PCT before my next cycle. my main two questions from post #1 still have not been answered though. what kind of PCT might be best for me? and what should i go on for my next cycle?

    unfortunatly, the 240 was from smoking a lot of pot and sitting on the couch with mcdonalds. those days are long gone.
    Eggs, oats and fruit. Portions are different for everyone but that is a good breakfast. As for school, you just have to be committed. Wake up 30 min earlier and eat a good breakfast. As far as what you should be eating, the diet forums will guide you in the right direction.

    You need to take some time off and do a good PCT, don't just think about it. You can also find out about PCT in the PCT forum. Each person gets different results from different PCTs so there is really no set protocol. I would say Nolva & Aromasin is a good choice. You can get both of these from ar-r .com.

    As for your next cycle, don't even think about that right now. Just focus on finishing this one and doing your PCT. Get your diet in order and train naturally for a while. Also you may want to tell your vet juicehead buddy to join the forums and do a little research of his own. Doesn't sound like he was steering you in the right direction...

  23. #23
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeydonuts
    have i declined their advice in anyway you Jew bagel? i've done nothing but thank them and am very appreciative of any help anyone can give. are YOU too slow to see that? you fall into the same category as 34% of all Americans and it's the same category that will soon overtake smoking as the #1 PREVENTABLE cause of death in the this country: OBESITY!
    What is a Jew bagel? I'm not going to argue with a teenager. Are you calling me fat because I have a proper diet for building lean muscle. How old are you. Go grab a bowl of organic fruit loops with your hair stylist at take his advise.

  24. #24
    joeydonuts is offline Banned
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    look at your picture, then decide if YOU should be giving advice to anybody. you remind me of sloth from the goonies.

    it's not reckless to shoot multiple different steroids on a daily basis? i don't know how he has survived so long without an organ failing or something. why don't you try it and let us know how it works out? just let me know where to send the flowers and condolence card.

    just because i don't write a Bibles worth about PCT, don't assume i'm totally in the dark about it.

    looks like something your grandma eats? well then she's the 2nd healthiest person in the world.

    try using a little logic yourself. if i should be adjusting the AMMOUNTS rather than the FREQUENCY, according to you, it might be something like this: 1/2 ml 2x per week. this equals 1ml per week, exactly what i'm doing now. just out of curiosity, how many ml's of whatever your on do you do per week?

    i guess i have to moron-ify that last one for you, sloth. i couldn't gain weight through just eating and training which is why i had to add in a weight gainer which was obviously AFTER i saw the doctor. the same doctor who told me i'd probably be stuck at 165 for a long time as that was my "balance point."

    looks to me like the only thing primitive here is your haircut. thanks for replying

  25. #25
    joeydonuts is offline Banned
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    there's no such thing as organic fruit loops redneck hillbilly. what were you saying about you're proper knowledge of diet...

  26. #26
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Joey, you really don' t have a clue here.

    The injection schedule of any compound is based on its effective half life. Just taking something once a week instead of twice a week does NOT make it safer, in fact it could make it worse as your blood levels will never be stable and that is what causes bad sides.

    Test E for bodybuilding doses is shot once every 3.5 days
    Test Prop again for bodybuilding purposes is shot ED
    Sust would be EOD

    although your organic diet may be HEALTHY, it is NOT a diet for growing big and strong. so in that sense your diet does SUCK!! sorry but its true.

    Stacking compounds is terrific and causes NO MORE sides than not stacking IF and only if you know what the hell you are doing!! which you really don't yet and that is OK and is why we are telling you to slow down and wait before doing anything else to you.

    We are trying to help you! it is your body, you do with it what you want

  27. #27
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    this thread is getting pathetic..
    Cbino did more than enough, i say lock it down and let him research before anymore bandwith is wasted.

  28. #28
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
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    +1 before lock

  29. #29
    ebjack's Avatar
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    In Jessica Alba's bagina
    you're not doing yourself any favors with the name calling and the "holier than thou" organic attitude. You say you don't eat foods that are sprayed with hormones but you inject them??
    You would do best to try and learn about eating to bulk and the chemicals that you are doing.
    Good advice is given at this forum.

    I fully expect to be called a "cute" get to it

    You are the one who titled this thread..need advice PLEASE
    Last edited by ebjack; 03-21-2007 at 05:15 PM.

  30. #30
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeydonuts
    look at your picture, then decide if YOU should be giving advice to anybody. you remind me of sloth from the goonies.

    it's not reckless to shoot multiple different steroids on a daily basis? i don't know how he has survived so long without an organ failing or something. why don't you try it and let us know how it works out? just let me know where to send the flowers and condolence card.

    just because i don't write a Bibles worth about PCT, don't assume i'm totally in the dark about it.

    looks like something your grandma eats? well then she's the 2nd healthiest person in the world.

    try using a little logic yourself. if i should be adjusting the AMMOUNTS rather than the FREQUENCY, according to you, it might be something like this: 1/2 ml 2x per week. this equals 1ml per week, exactly what i'm doing now. just out of curiosity, how many ml's of whatever your on do you do per week?

    i guess i have to moron-ify that last one for you, sloth. i couldn't gain weight through just eating and training which is why i had to add in a weight gainer which was obviously AFTER i saw the doctor. the same doctor who told me i'd probably be stuck at 165 for a long time as that was my "balance point."

    looks to me like the only thing primitive here is your haircut. thanks for replying
    AHAHAHHAHAHAA. Oh man thats quality material there. I was gonna reply back and tear you apart AGAIN, but this is just too funny. Keep running your cycles completely wrong buddy. I told you the truth, the complete 100% truth and you resort to personally trying to attack me. Easy to do over the internet there Mr. 175lb true mass. LMFAO.
    You are going no where, too bad you are too thick-headed to take advice and criticism which could get you past your "balance point."

  31. #31
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    AHAHAHHAHAHAA. Oh man thats quality material there. I was gonna reply back and tear you apart AGAIN, but this is just too funny. Keep running your cycles completely wrong buddy. I told you the truth, the complete 100% truth and you resort to personally trying to attack me. Easy to do over the internet there Mr. 175lb true mass. LMFAO.
    You are going no where, too bad you are too thick-headed to take advice and criticism which could get you past your "balance point."
    better yet raped...

  32. #32
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    why is it that the small weak ones always have the BIG attitudes...
    imo i dont think its ideal to become the personification of "OxyMoron" but wat ever..

    i wish ibd would come in and throw down his "Genetic excuse" trump card

  33. #33
    pepperoni's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeydonuts
    look at your picture, then decide if YOU should be giving advice to anybody. you remind me of sloth from the goonies.

    it's not reckless to shoot multiple different steroids on a daily basis? i don't know how he has survived so long without an organ failing or something. why don't you try it and let us know how it works out? just let me know where to send the flowers and condolence card.

    just because i don't write a Bibles worth about PCT, don't assume i'm totally in the dark about it.

    looks like something your grandma eats? well then she's the 2nd healthiest person in the world.

    try using a little logic yourself. if i should be adjusting the AMMOUNTS rather than the FREQUENCY, according to you, it might be something like this: 1/2 ml 2x per week. this equals 1ml per week, exactly what i'm doing now. just out of curiosity, how many ml's of whatever your on do you do per week?

    i guess i have to moron-ify that last one for you, sloth. i couldn't gain weight through just eating and training which is why i had to add in a weight gainer which was obviously AFTER i saw the doctor. the same doctor who told me i'd probably be stuck at 165 for a long time as that was my "balance point."

    looks to me like the only thing primitive here is your haircut. thanks for replying
    this is one of the most embarassing things i have ever read.... his haircut? get a ****ing life man, u cant even see what his haircut looks like in the pic first off, and why dont u post up a pic and we can compare yours and Bino's, that might be fun. you came here for advice, and u got it. you SHOULD NOT be doing any form of steroid , unless u have asthma and its in your puffer. dont ask for advice if you cant accept the answers.

  34. #34
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeydonuts
    look at your picture, then decide if YOU should be giving advice to anybody. you remind me of sloth from the goonies.

    it's not reckless to shoot multiple different steroids on a daily basis? i don't know how he has survived so long without an organ failing or something. why don't you try it and let us know how it works out? just let me know where to send the flowers and condolence card.

    just because i don't write a Bibles worth about PCT, don't assume i'm totally in the dark about it.

    looks like something your grandma eats? well then she's the 2nd healthiest person in the world.

    try using a little logic yourself. if i should be adjusting the AMMOUNTS rather than the FREQUENCY, according to you, it might be something like this: 1/2 ml 2x per week. this equals 1ml per week, exactly what i'm doing now. just out of curiosity, how many ml's of whatever your on do you do per week?

    i guess i have to moron-ify that last one for you, sloth. i couldn't gain weight through just eating and training which is why i had to add in a weight gainer which was obviously AFTER i saw the doctor. the same doctor who told me i'd probably be stuck at 165 for a long time as that was my "balance point."

    looks to me like the only thing primitive here is your haircut. thanks for replying
    Wow, this is most uneducated pathetic post i've ever read.

  35. #35
    vicious cycle's Avatar
    vicious cycle is offline Junior Member
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    Way to many of these types of posts...

  36. #36
    joeydonuts is offline Banned
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    how cute. i can count the combined IQ of most of you on one hand and still have fingers left over. you guys are a few sandwiches short of a picnic and definatly not the brightest crayons in the box. i came on here looking for advice but got a good laugh instead thanks to a few biologists who seem to know it all but never have any input. then people don't have anything to say back because they got embarassed and it just makes it even more hilarious. my personal favorite are the dickriders who come in out of nowhere, agree with whatever was said before them, add in a lil comment of there own, and smile like they've done something. these are words. typewritten words. this website as a whole is a joke and some of you bald mid age failures at life need to stop "working out" and possibly find a job or even a hobby. maybe you guys should try sewing blankets?? i hear that's gonna be in the next strongman comp lmao

  37. #37
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by joeydonuts
    how cute. i can count the combined IQ of most of you on one hand and still have fingers left over. you guys are a few sandwiches short of a picnic and definatly not the brightest crayons in the box. i came on here looking for advice but got a good laugh instead thanks to a few biologists who seem to know it all but never have any input. then people don't have anything to say back because they got embarassed and it just makes it even more hilarious. my personal favorite are the dickriders who come in out of nowhere, agree with whatever was said before them, add in a lil comment of there own, and smile like they've done something. these are words. typewritten words. this website as a whole is a joke and some of you bald mid age failures at life need to stop "working out" and possibly find a job or even a hobby. maybe you guys should try sewing blankets?? i hear that's gonna be in the next strongman comp lmao
    wow, i love how people, who are lacking in the common sense area will always bust out some type of "CUT DOWN" to make them feel as if they have the situation in their control. either way you are going about this all wrong, you want advice.. you got it, but if you feel you are too far ahead of the game to heed our advice then that is your loss...
    there is ignorance and there is stupidity.. you, my friend are both.
    and hell ...even if all i ever did was sew blankets.. i'd still have more LBM than you

  38. #38
    joeydonuts is offline Banned
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    i guess that makes you a man then?? i don't get where you're going with that but it's irrelevant either way

  39. #39
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeydonuts
    how cute. i can count the combined IQ of most of you on one hand and still have fingers left over.
    That'd infer that you're mutated.

    i.e. you possess millions of fingers

    I'm locking this thread because:

    ¤you obviously don't want advice

    ¤you grammar and comprehension skills are sub-par

    ¤no one wants to read your 12,000 word paragraphs...riddled with atrocious spelling and information deviations

  40. #40
    lex57's Avatar
    lex57 is offline Senior Member
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    what i think is great is that when he speaks of brightness of the crayons in the box......he spells definately wrong maybe instead of checking our IQ's and still having fingers left on your hands take this finger and have a nice day. dont ask for advice and whatever you do dont ever stack anything.....its bad for you.
    Last edited by lex57; 03-22-2007 at 11:23 AM.

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