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  1. #1
    PennState is offline New Member
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    glute infection?

    I'm one week into my second cycle of Test E (250mg X2 a week). I took my first injection in the right glute and it got somewhat sore but nothing I hadn't been through already. I took my second injection in the left glute (Thursday) and ever since Sunday it has become swollen and warm. The swollen area is about 5" in diameter and raised 1 1/2" it is red and warm to the touch. So I assume its an infection......

    I use a new clean needle every time (23.5) and prep the area with rubbing alcohol.

    It seems strange to have a problem arise 4-5 days from the day of the injection? I have been taking Ibuprofen and icing the area to keep the swelling and pain down but it still continues. I had a few sore injections during my first cycle but nothing like this one. Oh, and I don't think it matters but I'm taking 40mg Dbol a day as well.

    Should I just bite the bullet and head to the "ER" or is there any other steps I should try?

    Thanks for all the help
    Last edited by PennState; 03-19-2007 at 04:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by PennState
    The swollen area is about 5" in diameter and raised 1 1/2" it is red and warm to the touch. So I assume its an infection......
    That is a rather large area of edema. You might want to head to the ER ASAP and get that looked at.


  3. #3
    PennState is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    That is a rather large area of edema. You might want to head to the ER ASAP and get that looked at.

    Yeah I might just do that..... Thanks

    some more info: I don't have a fever or any flu like symptoms, after "icing" I'd say the area is more like 4" diameter and 3/4" raised..... but it fluctuates throughout the day.

    Also, should I tell the ER excactly what I did? I mean they can't do anything (refuse treatment, call law enforcement) about it right?

  4. #4
    BOOST's Avatar
    BOOST is offline Member
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    No flu or fever, I would ride it out. I am doing Test e 300mg and my quad 2-4 days later feels like a hammer hit it, heating pad and keep rubbing it in. Try cutting your next shot with b-12, I just ordered some.

  5. #5
    imanewbie is offline Associate Member
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    wherever the bitches are
    is it the same type of oil as you used in your first cycle? i know i changed oils and it got rediculous everytime so i stopped altogether like 2 weeks in. the pain and swelling was way too much, and i actually did go to the dr, and told her what i was doing. she was a little irritated, and said i had an abcess forming. it was my ass cheek, but mine was so swollen that i could feel the lump when i sat on it. i couldnt even hardly drive it hurt so much. she said if it didnt go down after a few days of the meds i might need to go to a surgeon and get it cut out...that scared the shit outta me. the pain and most of the swelling went away. but it didnt actually go ALL the way away for about 2 sore is it? if its not too bad i would ride it out, otherwise i would rather be safe then sorry

  6. #6
    Manjot is offline New Member
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    i had the same thing .7cc of deca and 1.0 of test twice a week injections. it got bad at first and really big then i tired using something a little better than plysporm and it got better. but now i still get fevers . the fevers started about a week ago and now continue. some say it might just be Test Flu and that it last 2 weeks. so should i see if it last another 5 days or should i do something different?

  7. #7
    PennState is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by imanewbie
    is it the same type of oil as you used in your first cycle?
    nope this stuff is different..... both were from UGL's (this cycle actually coming from a "better" UGL .... go figure)

    One more thing, could the "speed" I used to deliver the oil to the tissue have anything to do with this? I ask because I was in a hurry this time and I pushed the plunger in QUICK!

  8. #8
    PennState is offline New Member
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    well, I am on my 2nd day of "waiting it out" and it seems to be almost 90% back to normal swelling and redness is almost totally gone. Back to work!

    Thanks for all the help

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