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  1. #1
    liquid2198 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2007

    TBOL ...looking good?

    whats up guys....gonna start my tbol only cycle soon...just wanted to know if it looks good (especially pct)

    wk 1-8 60mg/day....split up 30mg AM/ 30mg PM
    wk 9-12 20mg nolvadex /day ...and 3g tribulus/day

    i will also be running .25mg ldex/day for the full 12 wks. (i know tbol has a SLIGHT if any chance of aromatizing but i dont want to take that chance considering im prone to gyno)


  2. #2
    randy6969 is offline Member
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by liquid2198
    whats up guys....gonna start my tbol only cycle soon...just wanted to know if it looks good (especially pct)

    wk 1-8 60mg/day....split up 30mg AM/ 30mg PM
    wk 9-12 20mg nolvadex /day ...and 3g tribulus/day

    i will also be running .25mg ldex/day for the full 12 wks. (i know tbol has a SLIGHT if any chance of aromatizing but i dont want to take that chance considering im prone to gyno)


    looking great to me..... you should get very good results if you have a good routine, and diet. Good luck bro. The pct seems good as well.... make sure u drink a lot of water and i think tbol should be run no more then 6 weeks... but its your choice if you think you can keep going and gaining and you wanna extend to 8 weeks... take care

  3. #3
    liquid2198 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Thank you, i appreciate the response! Im drinkin like 1.5-2Gallons a day and will continue to do so when i start

  4. #4
    randy6969 is offline Member
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    May 2005
    Sounds good. I did a few cycle of t-bol alone. My doseage was 50mg ed. After about 4 weeks i had leaned out, and gained 10lbs. It was great the strength gain wasnt all that great but it was good. I also had stomach problems watch out for those and lowerback pumps towards the end of the cycle. Some people get these sides some dont... it depends on you. Anyway hope it works out well for u.

  5. #5
    horse choker's Avatar
    horse choker is offline New Member
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    i did 80mg ed of tbol for 6 weeks and it was great! 14lbs of lean muscle. i ran it with proviron and the strength was almost what i got with 500mg of test. just worked well for me. after i got really bad cramping in every muscle. next time potassium and turine will be there.

  6. #6
    convalescence69's Avatar
    convalescence69 is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2007
    Yeah, Tbol Kicks mighty ass. I had a short cycle (real world interuptions...) but I still got great gains, and I had no sides, felt great, still feel great.

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