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  1. #1
    BigGuy3333 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Need Help with Cycle!

    Ok so heres the deal, Im 20 years old and have done two cycles.
    1st: 18 yrs/old 6'1" Start:170lb Peak:192lb After PCT:180
    Test E week 1-10 400mg/wk
    Deca 1-10 300mg/wk

    3 Months in between cycles...

    2nd:19 yrs/old 6'1" Start:179 Peak:195 After PCT:185
    Test E 1-15 500mg/wk
    Tren A 1-8 50mg/ed

    PCT: For both was only Nolva 20mg ED for a week.

    Now here are my problems:
    I know I was way to young to even think about using AAS. And I know that I didnt take enough time off and my first cycle, if I was at least 25 should have been test e weeks 1-12 500mg EW. But I was foolish and un informed. I have done over 20 hours of researching on this site before making my first post. I recieved minor gyno from my last cycle and used letro to supress it and there is only a spot remaing the size of a pin. I also recieved bad acne after my last cycle which didnt supress totaly until 10 months after. I got blood work done 2 months after that cycle and everything was in normal ranges except my test levels were on the lower side. I have been off for a year now and I am still experiencing some sex drive problems. Along with my drive to go the gym is also supressed sometimes. I want to get some advice on what I should do. Should I do what a first cycle should be and proper pct just to get my test levels back to normal? Any help would be greatful. Please do not critique me on how wrong I am and call me a newb and what not. I know I was wrong and I have messed my body up because I was un informed and made some poor decisions.
    Last edited by BigGuy3333; 03-20-2007 at 01:16 AM.

  2. #2
    A&FGuy's Avatar
    A&FGuy is offline Associate Member
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  3. #3
    ibetucanget4 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Steroids aren't the answer man. Your test levels may jump back up when you're on cycle, but when you come off you might even crash harder. I'm not expert, but i'd say go see a doctor and tell him exactly what happened. Using only nolva in PCT isn't a good idea in my opinion. The going to the gym thing might be all mental. But i'm glad you actually got blood tests done. That was a good move!!

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