Thread: blood color
03-23-2007, 05:34 PM #1
blood color
ive noticed recently actually 5mins ago that after injections my blood is very dark red almost purple looking and when i wipe it its brown on my alcohol pad is that normal. the injection site isnt hot no pain or no discoloration in skin im guessing everything is cool but just figured id ask thought it was very strange because start of cycle when i would wipe with pad it would be red.
03-23-2007, 05:42 PM #2
Are you taking and oral too? A buddy of mine said his blood got really thick and dark red when he was on dbol .... at like 50mg ED.. Just a thaught...
03-23-2007, 05:44 PM #3
might have clipped a vein or something.. blood is purple. when it hits oxygen it becomes red. if thats not right im a poor nurse and med student so chances are you nicked a vein on the way in or out. mostly likely out and you saw the reaction take place.
03-23-2007, 05:46 PM #4
i was taking winni and dropped it about 2 weeks ago im on tren a and test prop the blood has been a slight brown since about week 4 im in week 7 now its just gottin much darker
03-23-2007, 06:50 PM #5
Correct me if I wrong but wouldnt it be an increase in red blood cell count that would darken and thicken ones blood? possibly the tren ? (just stabbing in the dark)
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