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  1. #1
    finny is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2006
    Ontario, Canada

    3 weeks into cycle - use Androgel?

    Ok, I'm three weeks into my first cycle, test enan @500/wk. I frontloaded my first shot with 500 and from there on with 250. Not sure if there will be any benefit to it or not.

    In any case, I just hit my three week mark so obviously things haven't kicked in yet. I have some androgel on hand - would it make sense to use it now to speed things up (from what I know, androgel's response is pretty quick, one or two days and it should be in your system). The absorbtion dose would be around 7.5mg/day or 52.5mg/wk - I could even double it. Make sense or don't bother with this at this point? I know, not much of a dose.


  2. #2
    finny is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2006
    Ontario, Canada

    Another question, how do you know when test or other AAS kick in? What do you feel? Not sure what to expect...

  3. #3
    scribbs12's Avatar
    scribbs12 is offline Member
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    okinawa, texas
    im pretty sure test doesnt kick in till about the 4-5th sometimes 6 week.... so im guessing you should just wait till then.. or just wait for more peole to reply.. sorry if that doesnt help much.. or you could just read around some more..

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