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  1. #1
    phil5883's Avatar
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    Exclamation Hey all a couple of questions!

    Hey all a newbie to the forums and steroid research/ soon to be use, but a long time lifter. I have some questions however.
    I am currently 5'8" about 185, around 14% BF

    I am looking to get cut, i have pretty much for the most part, all of the muscle i want as of now, and i was wondering if Clenbuterol or Winny would be appropriate for me. In short i am looking to get pretty shredded and would greatly love any advice you guys can give on clen and winny.
    Do you have to use clen stacked with a steroid? or can you just use it to get shredded by itself? Oh and i have looked at the clen handbook and FAQ and they were a great help.

    My Current workout regime is as follows;
    Weight Lifting 4 days/week
    Cardio 3 days/week

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Welcome to AR

    Clen is not a steroid . It can aid in fat burning if your diet and training are already set up for cutting

    I would not suggest using winny by itself as it could shut down your natural production of test and possibly give you libido problems

    how old are you ? how much are you trying to lose in what time frame?

  3. #3
    phil5883's Avatar
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    Thanks for the quick reply sman, yea i know Clen is not a steroid but thanks for the clarification! Im currently 20, and im looking to lose about 10lb of fat in about 8-12 weeks. I heard stacking Winny with test is a good method. Also i heard winny is good for getting cut and increasing strength, however, all i am concerned with is getting more cut as of the moment. Also can anyone reccomend a good site to buy clen from? Do you have to worry about it being fake as you do with steroids ? Any users here can give me any feedback from clen?
    Last edited by phil5883; 03-24-2007 at 07:11 PM.

  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phil5883
    Thanks for the quick reply sman, yea i know Clen is not a steroid but thanks for the clarification! Im currently 20, and im looking to lose about 10lb of fat in about 8-12 weeks. I heard stacking Winny with test is a good method. Also i heard winny is good for getting cut and increasing strength, however, all i am concerned with is getting more cut as of the moment. Also can anyone reccomend a good site to buy clen from? Do you have to worry about it being fake as you do with steroids? Any users here can give me any feedback from clen?

    for your goals, you really don't need either. all you would need is a good diet plan and maybe some more cardio. Check out the diet section here on cutting diets.
    That being said.
    Clen can be a good aid to buring fat and at your age, I would go that route before ever turning to steroids . Once you start messing with your endocrine(sp) system, there is no turning back and you are still a bit young for that.

    You can get clen from the board sponsor in the upper right corner at the top of the page or click on any of the blue words for ar-r

  5. #5
    phil5883's Avatar
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    Are the pills for clen more effective, or is the spray? And should i stack it with L – Taurine?
    Last edited by phil5883; 03-24-2007 at 07:24 PM.

  6. #6
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phil5883
    Are the pills for clen more effective, or is the spray? And should i stack it with L – Taurine?

    Hard to say what is more effective..depends on your source

    if you are gonna take Clen , YES definetly take the taurine and drink a ton of water as it could cramp you up

  7. #7
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phil5883
    Are the pills for clen more effective, or is the spray? And should i stack it with L – Taurine?
    The clen from ar-r is a good quality product. It is also reasonably priced and many users find it very effective. If I was going to use Clen, I would definitely buy from them. That being said, yes Taurine supps should always be taken with Clen, because Clen depletes Taurine. 3-5grams of Taurine daily is adequate.

  8. #8
    phil5883's Avatar
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    Probably a stupid question but.. you spray it in your mouth?

  9. #9
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phil5883
    Probably a stupid question but.. you spray it in your mouth?
    Yes you do.

  10. #10
    phil5883's Avatar
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    thanks for the quick reply guys, your input has been invaluable. Also to clarify down your throat, on the tongue? anyone know? And how would this work? I suppose it gets absorbed through the glands in your mouth?

  11. #11
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    what I did with it was I went to Wal-mart and got a child oral syringe. It makes measuring a little more accurate than just spraying.

    you just swallow it . no need to hold it in your mouth or under your toungue

  12. #12
    phil5883's Avatar
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    Awesome, thank you SMAN. Also can you tell me your specs on the cycle you took or are currently taking? and how effective it was? Thanks!

  13. #13
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    not sure what you mean by specs, but here is my latest log of my current cycle with pics

    SMAN's -Becoming a Beast Bulking Cycle

    i am 42 and holding at about 255 now . up about 25 lbs so far in the middle of a heavy bulk

  14. #14
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Here is me at 33 before any use of steroids


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