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  1. #1
    ml87's Avatar
    ml87 is offline Associate Member
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    most important gear at a time

    so im going to start my cycle consisting of mainly test e and dbol . 3 month cycle, dbol for first 4 weeks and so on.. so if im doing 500 mg/wk of test e i should purchase 6000mg? basically the most important ? is should i buy everything including the post cycle gear all at the same time or should i get it when it gets near time to take it? getting it isnt a problem for me so its almost guaranteed that it will be there when i need it. what should i keep on hand in case of gyno?
    thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    topnotch is offline Member
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    Jan 2007
    Always make sure you have everything including pct before you start your cycle...even if it's guaranteed, it's not worth risking...nolva should be good to keep on hand just in case...many run it during the cycle even..but definately go ahead and have pct ready from the start...never know when something could happen and you coudlnt get it.

  3. #3
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by topnotch
    Always make sure you have everything including pct before you start your cycle...even if it's guaranteed, it's not worth risking...nolva should be good to keep on hand just in case...many run it during the cycle even..but definately go ahead and have pct ready from the start...never know when something could happen and you coudlnt get it.

    ^^^^^^^ there's your answer ^^^^^^^^^

    I have replied to countless threads and even one tonight about a guy 3 weeks in to his prop cycle and his supplier is out........

    NEVER EVER get caught like this. Too many things screw up shipping with all this stuff to risk screwing up your cycle over. If waiting for everything means starting the cycle a little later, then by GOD wait and start later.....

    NEVER start a cycle without having EVERYTHING and even extra including PCT. If you plan on running 30 days of PCT make sure you have enough to run it longer if you are having a hard time recovering. Never skimp on PCT

  4. #4
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    ^^^^^^^ there's your answer ^^^^^^^^^

    I have replied to countless threads and even one tonight about a guy 3 weeks in to his prop cycle and his supplier is out........

    NEVER EVER get caught like this. Too many things screw up shipping with all this stuff to risk screwing up your cycle over. If waiting for everything means starting the cycle a little later, then by GOD wait and start later.....

    NEVER start a cycle without having EVERYTHING and even extra including PCT. If you plan on running 30 days of PCT make sure you have enough to run it longer if you are having a hard time recovering. Never skimp on PCT
    LOL and if you do make sure that you have a good freind to bail you out if this occurrence should arise....

    P.S. thank you to my freind!!!!

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