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  1. #1
    anonymous is offline Junior Member
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    Taking paxil just started cycle, heart hurts and anxeity thru the roof :(

    Lifting for a while wanted to try a small cycle of test e and dbol . was so worried about gyno that i didnt even research taking paxil on cycle. 4 days into my cycle my heart always feel wierd and my anxeity is outta control...always have tighting of the chest. I am discontinuing my cycle due to this.

    So far i only took 1 shoot of test e (250mg)
    and for the past 3 days i took 2 dbol a day (20mg/ed)
    and letro at .25 day one .50day two(felt like shit) .25 day three

    Im going to work on weening my self of paxil which is a bitch if any one here knows about paxil or took it u kno exactly wat im talking about.

    I will try to continue my cycle later on during this yr if i cant successfully get off paxil. So ****in depressed right now. dont even feel like going to the gym. shit sux donkey dick.

    If any one knows any research on what i just stated any info would be nice as for me imma start researching my self.....something i should have done well b4 i bought all this shit....didnt even cross my mind bc im not depressed or anxious any more (untill bout 4 days ago lol) and havent even looked into getting off paxil bc ive been on it for like 5 yrs already and its so habitual to wake up and pop my lil white pill everyday.

  2. #2
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bro, I've been prescribed Paxil for nearly 5-6 years now...I'm on the maximum prescribed dose of 40mg/ed...I've ran several cycles since and never had a problem with anything.

    I find it hard to believe that this early into your cycle that you can pinpoint the problem on the Paxil...

    Is there anything else that you're currently prescribed...what's the diagnosis for your need to be on Paxil therapy? In my case, the quack diagnosed me with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). After a few months on Paxil, my symptoms of anxiety subsided...I've tried coming off it a few times and anxiety returns, so the doc and I decided to stick with it.
    I hear what you're saying about weaning off the's necessary or you will have severe withdrawal symptoms. If I go a few days without the Paxil, I'm a f'cking wreck.

    I don't think the Paxil is the blame for your sudden rash of symptoms, especially if you've been on the Paxil for some time now...

    Anything else you need to know, ask.

    Good luck,

  3. #3
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    I hated getting of my paxil and lithium.Its not much fun

  4. #4
    anonymous is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for ur reply shrpskn.....

    I think ur right and its not the paxil but rather my own anxiety that got me a prescription for it in the first place. too much stress at work and other areas in my life. i have also read that test e can raise anxiety levels is this true??

    I can't think of anything esle...i went from normal anxiety levels (after about a month ago when i lowered dosage from 20-10mg/ed i did notice my anxiety go up alot) to two days into the cycle having anxiety attacks. During these two days alot of shit was going on in my job so i think that had a lot to do with it. i might just let my body get more used to the 10mg dosage for a while and hopefully feel ready enough to start my cycle back up sometime this yr.

  5. #5
    anonymous is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    I hated getting of my paxil and lithium.Its not much fun
    yeah im trying the same thing but every time i drop the dosage i get these weird "zaps" in my head that i have researched is normal when coming off. but god ***** that makes me feel like shit for a week or so untill my body gets used to producing more of its own serotonin. Going to get it off it soon tho next step is 5mg/ed

  6. #6
    Tbone1975 is offline Member
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    Hey guys, I read all the responses and have a good deal of respect for the posters, so to me, obviously, everyone reacts different. The only anti depressent I ever took was paxil about 8 or so years ago. They bumped me up to a real high dose. I hated it. It made me extremely anxious for one reason: it completely wiped out my sexual capabilities. I was not on any gear at the time though. So I felt worse on than off. I quit, dropped everything all at once, without any problems and became better after a while by talking to people. I hated that stuff. Obviously, everyone reacts different though. Just wanted to state my feelings on that stuff.

  7. #7
    mkv213's Avatar
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    My ONLY advice for you with paxil is if you take it for any extended period of time...TAPER off of it, don't just stop taking it cold. You will get SEVERE DEPRESSION and SUICIDAL THOUGHTS. I know a few who have exp. this including myself. Almost admitted myself into the hosp. it was so bad. Instead, I got prescribed effexor instead (I hear the same applies with coming off of this as well, but worse.)

  8. #8
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous
    I can't think of anything esle...i went from normal anxiety levels (after about a month ago when i lowered dosage from 20-10mg/ed i did notice my anxiety go up alot) to two days into the cycle having anxiety attacks. During these two days alot of shit was going on in my job so i think that had a lot to do with it. i might just let my body get more used to the 10mg dosage for a while and hopefully feel ready enough to start my cycle back up sometime this yr.
    Yes, it takes a great deal of time for you to adjust to any change in with your recent dosage adjustments, it's quite possible that this could be partly to blame...

    Personally, I would wait until things have stabilized in your life before you go back on the cycle...there is nothing worse when on cycle than having to deal with any bullshit that might interfere with your cycle...

    The only time an anxiety attack might plague me now is if I'm cycling with tren ...I have Xanax on hand in the event I feel it's needed...but I've learned to better cope with the tren anxiety, knowing what the root cause of it is, rather than medicating the problem.

    I wish I could come off the Paxil, but I'm comfortable where I'm at and anytime I've tried it in the past...side effects where ridiculous...more than zaps in my f'cking noggin'...I turn into a complete wreck. So I've stayed where I'm at and things have been well controlled for the last year or so now.

    Good luck,

  9. #9
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkv213
    My ONLY advice for you with paxil is if you take it for any extended period of time...TAPER off of it, don't just stop taking it cold. You will get SEVERE DEPRESSION and SUICIDAL THOUGHTS. I know a few who have exp. this including myself. Almost admitted myself into the hosp. it was so bad. Instead, I got prescribed effexor instead (I hear the same applies with coming off of this as well, but worse.)
    Effexor is just as bad, if not worse to come off as Paxil...It is a combination of serotonin reuptake inhibitors and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors...

  10. #10
    BOOST's Avatar
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    I found when I first started Test, I had anxiety out the ass, I was dieing, blood pressure etc. I am wrapped to tight to begin with, runs in the family. I just take a xanix here and there when I feel it coming on. I know some say xanix is addicting, but I would rather take a pill and chill out then have a heart attack from high blood pressure.

  11. #11
    ml87's Avatar
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    do you think the same effects may occur with wellbutrin and lexapro?

  12. #12
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ml87
    do you think the same effects may occur with wellbutrin and lexapro?
    U bipolar? Not the exact same thing but its very difficult to handle.

  13. #13
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    I use to take Celexa (SRI) for 2 years and I cycled along with it. I have been off it for over 8 months now. In fact the synergy between AAS and Celexa was great, I felt better than ever. There is documented information on the internet stating the anti depression synergy between AAS and SRIs.

    Ya, it does suck coming off SRIs but it takes about 2 months to feel right again. It's all worth it because you don't want to be on them for the rest of your life if it's avoidable. You want your body to produce it's own serotonin at healthy levels once again. Nobody wants to be dependent on anti depressants for the rest of their lives.

  14. #14
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
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    great remind me never to take anti-depressants... im good where im at!

  15. #15
    ml87's Avatar
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    nah.. im not bipolar. its for anxiety disorder. i used to take celexa but lexapro is the new and improved celexa without as many side effects. and the wellbutrin is to help quit smokin. it does something with the dopamine receptors that nicotine does and makes me crave less.

  16. #16
    anonymous is offline Junior Member
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    all i kno is right now after getting all hyped up about my cycle and now this happens what a ****ing let down. gotta work on getting off this shit, feeling normal again then pick it back up....thanks for the replies

  17. #17
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
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    I have been trying to get off of paxil for like six months. It is HELL. I almost want to hit the MD who prescribed it to me with a law suit. He did not tell me that these kinds of withdrawal symptom's accompany the discontinuation of the drugs.

    He just prescribed me at 2mg a day (right away), and told me to keep taking them, as they would help cure my (inherited) panic Disorder.

    Well here I am... two years later, now I have to take 3mg of Xanax a day, and 1mg of Paxil eod, or I feel like someone is sucking the life out of me.

    Anti-depressants are the ****ing worst thing ever. I feel like I will never be able to get off this shit.

  18. #18
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    Effexor works incredibly but i'm curious about what a cycle does to your libido/ability to climax if it is already being inhibited by an SSRI or SSNRI?

  19. #19
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serotonin
    Effexor works incredibly but i'm curious about what a cycle does to your libido/ability to climax if it is already being inhibited by an SSRI or SSNRI?
    Good question...

    I've found the longer I was on Paxil the easier it got to be able to climax...but the first year or so let me tell you...I would do f'cking marathons in the bed to try and get one off and I still couldn't ...I felt sorry for the 'ol lady...I was in great distress because I couldn't bust a load, but lemme tell ya...when that day came...well, we'll keep it to yas imagination.

    Now 4-5 years later, still on 40mg/ed Paxil, and a few cycles under my belt, sex has never been more enjoyable....and I can actually blow my load within a half hour!!!...I think the test levels supercede any inhibition that an SSRI might have on ones libido...cuz when I'm on, it's on.

  20. #20
    mkv213's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    Effexor is just as bad, if not worse to come off as Paxil...It is a combination of serotonin reuptake inhibitors and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors...
    Yeah I've read that it's even worse to come off of. I'll prob be on it for life because of my chemical imbalances. I was thinking about maybe talking to my Dr. about Cymbalta but the effexor has been the best thing i've taken for depression in 10 years. The SSRI's lost effect after about 6 months even after uping the dosage.

  21. #21
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    Good question...

    I've found the longer I was on Paxil the easier it got to be able to climax...but the first year or so let me tell you...I would do f'cking marathons in the bed to try and get one off and I still couldn't ...I felt sorry for the 'ol lady...I was in great distress because I couldn't bust a load, but lemme tell ya...when that day came...well, we'll keep it to yas imagination.

    Now 4-5 years later, still on 40mg/ed Paxil, and a few cycles under my belt, sex has never been more enjoyable....and I can actually blow my load within a half hour!!!...I think the test levels supercede any inhibition that an SSRI might have on ones libido...cuz when I'm on, it's on.
    Well at least I have something to look forward too other than huge size/strength gains on my cycle. The thing I've noticed is my sexual recovery time sucks. If I don't have sex for like a day or two I can climax with no problem but climaxing 2-3 times a day and having sex every day makes reaching an orgasm near impossible.

    Thanks for the info bro!

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