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  1. #1
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    Aug 2006

    injecting test suspension?

    hello all!thinkin about tryin out some test suspension before workouts next cycle.i know you can use slin pins with it like 29 gauge 1/2 i know this is a stupid question but is it difficult to draw out of the vial using such a small pin?.also since it is a small pin you still aspirate right?are there any injection sites you should avoid because od the needle bein only a half inch?i'm assuming you put it all the way in,just seems like a short needle to do intramuscular.sorrry forr all the question but new to suspension.thanks everyone!!...repped

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    the test is in a water base which makes the viscosity of it not as bad as the standard oils, so it comes out of the vial easier, and u can use it in other injection sites that u wouldn't normally use an oil based ester. Its not quite as thin as say an insulin shot but u can use a smaller needle like a 27 gauge as u mentioned, the only bad thing is that u might have to inject 2x a day to keep ur blood levels up and the side effects hit u pretty bad since it acts so fast. I've also heard it leaves some discomfort around the injection site like a burning sensation so yeah its good for that purpose but its also a catch 22 so to speak.

  3. #3
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^^ i agree. just make sure that you get into the muscle and not into just fatty tissue. Suspension hits fast and needs 2-3 injects a day. have a serm and an AI handy, in case of heavy aromatization...


  4. #4
    johnmacdan's Avatar
    johnmacdan is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Drummerboy
    ^^^ i agree. just make sure that you get into the muscle and not into just fatty tissue. Suspension hits fast and needs 2-3 injects a day. have a serm and an AI handy, in case of heavy aromatization...

    I've never heard of anyone using a 1/2 inch needle. It seems like it might be fine for the quad or even delt, but too small for the glutes.

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