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  1. #1
    jacko is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2002

    hcg to get balls back.

    ok, everyone has a different opinion on dosages so assist me please.

    in the middle of my cycle i want to take hcg to get my balls back to size (other cycles have caused to)

    what amount at what interval is good.

  2. #2
    Tock's Avatar
    Tock is offline Anabolic Member
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    Fort Worth
    I'm getting my Test Cyp legally from my Doc for hypogonadism, and after 10 weeks he's got me on 10 days of HCG , comes in 10,000 IU per 10 ml bottle. Says to take 1 cc subcutaneously a day for 10 days. Am on day 4, seems to be working pretty well.

  3. #3
    Kemo's Avatar
    Kemo is offline New Member
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    My opinion

    If you are looking for maximum size in a short period of time, I would go for 2,000 iu per day. I always take 5 days at 2k in the middle of all my heavy cycles, and then again the last week. Above 2,000 iu you will not see any improvements, as you will not have the ability to activate the Lydig cells any faster.....below that amount you don't get maximum stimulation.

  4. #4
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    the stuff is worthless anyways, clomid is your best bet...hcg only temporarily mimicks LH and then when its gone your left with no test and no LH, its only prolonging your recovery...stick with clomid and you are set...

  5. #5
    Kemo's Avatar
    Kemo is offline New Member
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    Jul 2002

    Clomid for end

    I agree that Clomid is by far the absolute best agent at restoring the HPTA axis to normal. HCG will not do this, as it only causes the secretion of LH which stimulates the lydig cells into producing endogenous testosterone . (The mimic versus secretion is another often confused area of BB knowledge)

    However, Clomid will not work in the middle of a cycle as effectively as HCG at stimulating testes recovery. Clomid acts as a weak estrogen, which, in the absence of androgens, tricks the HPTA into signaling the release of higher levels of testosterone . This is not as effective when you have high levels of exogenous testosterone or other androgenic compounds in your system. The only thing Clomid is effective at during cycle is the mild retardation of gyno symptoms.

    HCG can delay recovery if you take it post cycle. Since it does interfere with HPTA, you will want to wait approximately 10 days after your last shot of HCG to introduce clomid therapy. However, since you need to wait longer than this for most AAS, you will be fine taking a good dose of HCG during your last week of the cycle.

    Hope this helps,



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