What should one do if they believe they have been taking 20 mgs of Methyltestosterone instead of 20 mgs of Dianabol per day to kick start a cycle? This is the first week of the cycle and I am almost certain that the Russian Dianabol is actually Methyl T from my recent hour of google research???

Also, if this is Methyl T, would pct be necessary if I stopped and started all over from scratch next month with real D? After reading the profile on Methyl T, it seems that it gets out of the system as fast as it goes in practically. Not sure if I should scratch this cycle immediately or tranfer it over to real D.

I have legit naps I can use, I just wanted to give these a try because they were expiring. These Russian D's are a round white tab scored down the middle on one side. The perimeter of the tab is beveled. If you search on this site there is a post stating these D's are actually Methyl T???? Anybody have facts?