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Thread: Cycle review

  1. #1
    Alpha_Romeo is offline Junior Member
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    Cycle review

    Aright so I made a post considering running var only...not gonna do that...I think it's a rushed decision and stupid to pull that kind of shit on a first cycle so after further review. I'm gonna finish my cut natty....6-7 weeks. And then run a real cycle.

    Not it's gonna be test/var

    Reason being is that i'm not planning on bulking to ridiculous proportions I put on weight easy anyways and I went balls to the wall on my last bulk and hate this shit now and think it is not worth it....I do best on moderate bf gain.

    So i'm gonna start around june/july and it's gonna look like this I'll propose my 2 options and fully conisder any input.

    1-12 test prop 150-175 eod
    1-6 var 50mg ed
    1-12 adex or letro
    12-15 pct clomid/nolva/hcg


    1-12 test cyp 600mg/wk
    1-6 var 50mg ed
    1-12 adex or letro
    12-15 pct clomid/nolva/hcg

    Here is my thinking.

    Cycle 1 has no bloat and as I am on a lean mass gain I would like to not have the bloat and I have heard that prop is far more superior in terms of quality gain (which I think is complete empirical evidence) along with less sides.

    Cycle 2 however does not require eod shots which is a ****in huge plus, generally everybody reacts well to cyp...I may not handle prop well at all which could blow if I fork out the cash for it. Plus I don't want all the bloat going along with it.

    One thing I am also gonna do is try and avoid all sides, I may in fact add in some proscar or finasteride or some shit to avoid hair loss and of course take cholesterol and liver support.

    So what are everyones thoughts on this? Am I missing anything, or any changes you would make?

  2. #2
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha_Romeo
    Aright so I made a post considering running var only...not gonna do that...I think it's a rushed decision and stupid to pull that kind of shit on a first cycle so after further review. I'm gonna finish my cut natty....6-7 weeks. And then run a real cycle.

    Not it's gonna be test/var

    Reason being is that i'm not planning on bulking to ridiculous proportions I put on weight easy anyways and I went balls to the wall on my last bulk and hate this shit now and think it is not worth it....I do best on moderate bf gain.

    So i'm gonna start around june/july and it's gonna look like this I'll propose my 2 options and fully conisder any input.

    1-12 test prop 150-175 eod
    1-6 var 50mg ed
    1-12 adex or letro
    12-15 pct clomid/nolva/hcg


    1-12 test cyp 600mg/wk
    1-6 var 50mg ed
    1-12 adex or letro
    12-15 pct clomid/nolva/hcg

    Here is my thinking.

    Cycle 1 has no bloat and as I am on a lean mass gain I would like to not have the bloat and I have heard that prop is far more superior in terms of quality gain (which I think is complete empirical evidence) along with less sides.

    Cycle 2 however does not require eod shots which is a ****in huge plus, generally everybody reacts well to cyp...I may not handle prop well at all which could blow if I fork out the cash for it. Plus I don't want all the bloat going along with it.

    One thing I am also gonna do is try and avoid all sides, I may in fact add in some proscar or finasteride or some shit to avoid hair loss and of course take cholesterol and liver support.

    So what are everyones thoughts on this? Am I missing anything, or any changes you would make?
    Bloat and water retention really boils down to diet bro, keep sodium and sugar levels low and your good to go, run an AI and your golden.

    As far as Prop being more superior than any other form of Test, not true bro, Test is Test, its just prop is a shorter ester, which in turn the user sees results quicker.

    And gaining lean again diet bro, not the gear.

    However IMO run cycle #2, Heres is my advice.

    *Run the Cyp at 500mg/wk for the planned duration of 12 weeks.

    *Drop the Var, not needed for a first cycle.

    *Decide on either letro or arimidex and dose at .25-.5mg/ed

    *Your planned PCT start time is off bro, Start your PCT 14 days after the last injection of Test Cyp.

  3. #3
    jdm95lude's Avatar
    jdm95lude is offline Associate Member
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    I agree with above. Even though diet is key in everything cutting/bulking it is said that Test P is better for cutting. Atleast thats what i understand. But for first cycle I agfree with GHOST just do test C 500mgs wk and decide which is best for you letro or l-dex. Good luck brother

  4. #4
    Alpha_Romeo is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys...I'm really tired and just kind of missed the pct timing.
    i've been reading for the last 18 months on AAS and believe that I have a very good understanding of the chemicals.

    As for my diet and training I have got them both down, as I have gotten to where I said I would natty, it took me about 4 years but I got here..and I feel I am ready....

    I'm only planning on doing 1 cycle because it should put me where I want to be that is why I included the var. What I would like to know is why you recommend test C only? is it to gather understanding on how I react..

    Also there have been no comments on the proscar/finast. idea?

  5. #5
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Test C or E is recommended first to see how your react, second because it requires less shots, third b/c its painless.

    Prop for a first time cycle, not a good idea IMO, especially if one is planning a 12 week cycle. ED shots and site rotation will get old after a while, not to mention the prop pain.

    IMO there is no reason to be running proscar in the cycle, you should have no hair loss problems.

  6. #6
    Alpha_Romeo is offline Junior Member
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    Is there any particular reason you don't think there will be any hair loss sides? I'm assuming that if anavar WAS included that it may indeed be a problem. I was thinking of possibly adding in 4-6 weeks of var at the end of the cycle, that way I know how I react to the original compound and I will also probably be trying to lean out a bit at the end as well.....any ideas on that.

    I appreciate your input ghost, is there any other support you think I may need?

  7. #7
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
    Dog-Slime is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha_Romeo
    Is there any particular reason you don't think there will be any hair loss sides? I'm assuming that if anavar WAS included that it may indeed be a problem. I was thinking of possibly adding in 4-6 weeks of var at the end of the cycle, that way I know how I react to the original compound and I will also probably be trying to lean out a bit at the end as well.....any ideas on that.

    I appreciate your input ghost, is there any other support you think I may need?
    Finasteride/dutasteride will not help with hairloss from dht steroids . I am mpb prone and I would run some finasteride with any cycle containing test, although I am not sure as to whether YOU would need it. Either way you can get some nizoral shampoo. Helps with hairloss and acne.

  8. #8
    Alpha_Romeo is offline Junior Member
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    Hmm, ok so I don't know if I'm MPB prone or not however I don't want to find out, can I simply run fina/duta to avoid the discovery. Also no one commented on the var idea?

  9. #9
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    If you are gonna run var run it for six weeks min at min 60/day and run it til day before PCT.

    I would run duta. I am prone to MPB and duta stops it with test. Do not know about my reaction w/ var. Will see june 1.

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