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  1. #1
    odix's Avatar
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    how will dutasteride effect these steroids ?

    I'm planning a test, var, eq, and masteron cycle with dbol in the beginning...will dutasteride negatively impact any of these steroids making my hair fall out faster then if not on that? I know thats the case with nandrolone . I know it will help with test and eq has a low affinity for conversion but what about the others ?

  2. #2
    SNUKA's Avatar
    SNUKA is offline Member
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    The dutasteride will protect you from test only. Masteron and dbol will not be protected against and are known to kill hairlines. Var is mild, but I still hear of people losing hair on it since its a dht. You should look into topical spiro if you want to run those other compounds I have heard people have had success with it. You might have already, but do a search on words like spiro, masteron and hairloss, dbol and hairloss there are some threads out there that show the effect its had on people and how they have coped with it. I am in the same boat as you man from now on I'm going to stick with finasteride or dutasteride and test only. Maybe down the line give tbol, var and maybe primo a try because those are pretty mild.

  3. #3
    randy6969 is offline Member
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    i've heard dutastride can negativly impact your libido. Since dht is the active form of testostrone in ur body. Duta blocks it so well that u actually could loose ur muscle hardness, and libido.... i guess u would have to try it to see how it really works for u.

  4. #4
    odix's Avatar
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    what im asking is that will dutasteride make these worse on the it does nandrolone

  5. #5
    NightWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by odix
    what im asking is that will dutasteride make these worse on the it does nandrolone
    It will not affect masteron , and no it will not make the others worse.

  6. #6
    helium3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by odix
    what im asking is that will dutasteride make these worse on the it does nandrolone

    no it wont,and nandrolone does no such thing.

  7. #7
    odix's Avatar
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    hmm...well it does because nandrolone is not decreased down to its less androgenic dihydro prefix and using them both together is worse for you...

  8. #8
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by randy6969
    i've heard dutastride can negativly impact your libido. Since dht is the active form of testostrone in ur body. Duta blocks it so well that u actually could loose ur muscle hardness, and libido.... i guess u would have to try it to see how it really works for u.

    Not a worry if u're on a Testosterone cycle.
    the testosterone will replace the DHT in function. You will still be super horny.

    even when off cycle, it will free-up TEST levels by about 15%
    there might be some loss in libido, but still is functional in most.

  9. #9
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    posted in wrong HAIR thread LOL

  10. #10
    Polska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks
    Not a worry if u're on a Testosterone cycle.
    the testosterone will replace the DHT in function. You will still be super horny.

    even when off cycle, it will free-up TEST levels by about 15%
    there might be some loss in libido, but still is functional in most.
    Pooks can you elaborate on this? Not understanding how exogeneous test will replace the DHT in function... and off cycle fina/dutasteride will free-up test levels by 15%? Please elaborate, thanks!

  11. #11
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polska
    Pooks can you elaborate on this? Not understanding how exogeneous test will replace the DHT in function... and off cycle fina/dutasteride will free-up test levels by 15%? Please elaborate, thanks!

    DHT and Testosterone are closely related, that one can substitute for the other in some cases.. "DHT is formed from testosterone but is thought to be 30 times more powerful due to its affinity for the androgen receptor."

    It sucks but there are Androgen receptors in our scalp in the skin. DHT really loves to bind to them, and the more DHT there is, the more receptors the body makes.

    Once there are enough Androgen receptors in place...and DHT floating around (process is accelerated by steroid use ) the Male-Pattern Balding process begins.

    Finasteride will wipe out the AR-5 enzyme that converts Testosterone to DHT. Once DHT is wiped out.. You will only have testosterone.. the testosterone also binds to the androgen receptor..

    When one cycles, Testosterone Levels go up lets say 5,000%.. that is still going to be a problem for your hairline..

    so while on a cycle, the exogenous testosterone will do a fine job in replacing DHT + plus as long as you are on a cycle you will have a lot of receptors in your scalp for them to bind too.

    Now when you are off steroids it is a whole different story...
    You won't have the massive amounts of Testosterone available to replace DHT.
    This is very good news for your hair.
    but could be bad news for sexual function

    THE 15% THING

    Testosterone converts to two things.. 1 DHT.. 2 Estrogen.
    the 5-AR enyzme converts TEST to DHT.
    Finasteride, and Dutasteride, wipe out the 5-AR enzyme
    Testosterone cannot convert to DHT anymore
    that free's up Testosterone..
    some of that free'd up testosterone will convert to estrogen
    and the rest of it, will just remain in testosterone form, and will try and replace DHT.... which it will do weakly.
    As far as muscle gains are concerned
    Finasteride and Duta should have no effect on putting on size.
    Since Skeletal muscle do not use DHT.. in fact they destroy DHT..
    if DHT enters the skeletal muscle it will eventually be broke down and destroyed.
    5-AR enzyme is around reproductive organs, the skin, scalp, some other areas..
    here the loss of DHT, will be effected...
    when you are on a Testosterone cycle, and have tons of Testosterone, you will not feel any major changes..You will still have some libido and you might still have some hair loss, and you might still have some acne in your skin.. but all these will be su**ued...your libido, acne, and hairloss will not be as intense as it would be if you had DHT running rampant..
    if you are off-cycle, than you might run into problems will libido, hairloss will in most cases cease, and your skin would be pretty clear. etc..
    Last edited by Pooks; 05-01-2007 at 10:17 PM.

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