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  1. #1
    Gunns420 is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2006
    New York

    2nd Cycle - Gear / Diet

    I am 26 - 5'9 203 lbs

    I've done 1 cycle of Test E @ 500mg a week and Winny 75mg e.d. for the last 5 weeks of a 12 week cycle.

    My last cycle ended in July- I was up to 230 lbs. I was pretty damn big- my waist stayed at 36" but I'm sure my bf% increased somewhat. I didnt get it checked afterwards. I am debating whether I should start using Clen to shed a little fat before my next cycle, or if I should do it the hard way with strict diet and exercise. I dont have much to lose, but its in the stubborn love handle-lower ab region- and even a little titty fat.

    I thought about basically running an all Test-E cycle again w/out the Winny. The thing is I dont want to gain ALOT of weight if I can help it. I have access to pretty much any gear I want- but I felt so good from the Enth last time that I figured I'd be stupid not to use it again.

    I have some anadrol - but I'm not sure how to stack with it.

    PLease help.

  2. #2
    MrMe's Avatar
    MrMe is offline Member
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    Nov 2005
    You where up to 230 and went back to 205, was it mostly fat? What was your PCT for that last cycle? Most people who dont know about PCT will lose their gains like that.

  3. #3
    Gunns420 is offline Associate Member
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    New York
    I really screwed up the PCT. I was using Clomid & Nolvadex , but 2 weeks into it my stash was robbed and I was unable to get back on track. I basically waited until my test levels were normal again, (about 4 months now) to think about another cycle. It wasnt mostly fat, in fact I lost a ton of muscle (and strength). I'm not "fat" now, but I'm not solid either. I did get some excellent permanent gains in my back, arms, and chest, but -thighs, buttocks, and mid-section need some work. I had some issues which has kept me out of the gym until now- and I'm ready to get diesel again. I will train for 6 weeks before I get back on the gear- I will increase my diet to 4000 cals 350+ g of protein 2 weeks before cycle.

  4. #4
    MrMe's Avatar
    MrMe is offline Member
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    Nov 2005
    Understandable, well i hope you make as good gains this time around. I would stick to the test e like you said and as for the anadrol i would do it the first 4 weeks or the cycle

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