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  1. #1
    DrWoody's Avatar
    DrWoody is offline Junior Member
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    Puffy nips,gyno? Need advice asap please!!

    Ok current cycle is Test E 400mg/Week,37.5 mg Proviron ED and .5 mg Armidex EOD.Mild to say the least,but it is my first cycle with Test in it.I also plan on running Winny at 75mg ED for weeks 6-10.

    I already have gyno from puberty,but it is somewhat bareable.I am 5 weeks into the cycle,so far thngs have been going very well.Doing everything right,drinking tons of water,diet is super clean.

    Now today,just outta nowhere my nips and whole breast area is very puffy,there is a very very mild soreness under my left nip,but it is the puffiness in both breasts that has me worried.I'm surprised cause I am running Proviron and Armidex.I also feel quite bloated today for the first time.

    I have Nolva and Letrozole on hand.The Nolva is 20mg tabs and the Letro is 2.5mg tabs.

    Need advice on this before things get outta hand,thanks in advance to those who respond.

  2. #2
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    dude i think ur going to have to use the letro tabs. you need to quarter the tabs and take 1/4 1 day. then the next day take 1/2, and then 3/4 and go all the way to 1pill. ur sex drive will go down but i think its worth not having titties. o and also pyramid down when the gyno subsides.

  3. #3
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
    Mogamedogz is offline Member
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    How old are you?

  4. #4
    DrWoody's Avatar
    DrWoody is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mogamedogz
    How old are you?

    39 yrs

  5. #5
    DrWoody's Avatar
    DrWoody is offline Junior Member
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