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  1. #1
    cubeclass is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up Just about to start Cycle.Any thoughts?

    Hi folks, this is my second cycle. 29 yrs old, 6' 1", 190 leans lbs, gym regular for 7 years:

    Week 1- Frontload Body with Test Enan
    Nolvadex : 10 mg per day
    Wednesday: 2ml of Test Enanthate (500mg in total)
    Saturday: 2ml of Test Enanthate (500 mg in total)

    Weeks 2-10 (9 weeks in total)
    Nolvadex: 10 mg per day
    Wednesday: 1ml of Test Enanthate
    1ml of Equipoise
    Saturday: 1ml of Test Enanthate
    1 ml of Equipoise
    PCT Week 12 (two weeks after last injection)
    Nolvadex: 20mg per day for 14 days.

    Am i about right or heading for disaster?

    All comments appreciate folks, your thoughts are very important to me...


  2. #2
    skank's Avatar
    skank is offline Member
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    Why such a short and minimal PCT? No Clomid? Nolva should be 40,40,20,20 2 weeks after last inj. Also most seem to do EQ/Test cycles longer because it takes so long before you see results from EQ. But 10 weeks sounds ok anyway.

  3. #3
    cubeclass is offline New Member
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    This is why i wanted your thoughts... I thought my PCT was a bit off,. i tried clomid last cycle and had a hell of a time with it, very ***ressed and irritable. Not a fan of it.

    Increasing Nolva to 40mg per day for 4 weeks for PCT, is that better?

    I realise EQ takes a good while to kick in but 10 weeks is what i hope to do for this cycle, then 10 weeks off then back on again, maybe touching Tren that time...anyway i digress....

    So, any more thoughts? help with PCT would be especially welcome...

  4. #4
    skank's Avatar
    skank is offline Member
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    When do you start this cycle? I will be doing a similar cycle next winter with EQ. Have not tried it yet but there is alot of good reponses on it for the long haul. Let us know how your Nolva only goes. Lots of people seem to have the ***ression thing with Clomid. Its a drag after feeling so good from Test on cycle. Maybe try less Clomid. It will probably take a few cycles to fine tune what works for you in PCT.

  5. #5
    Lexed's Avatar
    Lexed is offline Anabolic Member
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    dude read the sticky on pct's your is way to short

  6. #6
    kolaking's Avatar
    kolaking is offline Associate Member
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    What is your goal with this cycle? Are these the only compounds available to you?

  7. #7
    cubeclass is offline New Member
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    Starting this cycle on saturday, had Tri_tren at my disposal but on researching it decided it was way too harsh for me. Looking to bulk up but keep clean gains, minimal water retention.

    My best friend tried identical cycle 4 months ago and made good gains. EQ will provide me with an appetite to eat like a horse while hardenning muscles with minimal water retention. Test is self explanitory, never would run cycle without it.
    This cycle allows twice weekly jags which suits my lifestyle..

    PCT is the problem, i don't know my ass from my elbow with regards to this, need to research the PCT properly over the next few days...

    Anyone ran a similar cycle or anyone have advice on the type of gains i could expect (obv ***ends on diet and training)

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