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Thread: Really puzzled

  1. #1
    gym_rat_jason is offline Associate Member
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    Really puzzled

    Hi guys i know io may sound irritating however i think i am ready to go on my first cycle at the age of 20. I have heard ppl saying ur first cycle should be test e only but however i read from my source that begineers SHOULD stay away from it due to its super potent aromatizable agents in it. ANd also, sustanon is much safer and those prone to gyno can even use it. So , in this case, shouldnt begineers start with sust instead of test e??

  2. #2
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    [QUOTE=gym_rat_jason]Hi guys i know io may sound irritating however i think i am ready to go on my first cycle at the age of 20. I have heard ppl saying ur first cycle should be test e only but however i read from my source that begineers SHOULD stay away from it due to its super potent aromatizable agents in it. ANd also, sustanon is much safer and those prone to gyno can even use it. So , in this case, shouldnt begineers start with sust instead of test e??[/QUOTE]

    Your source is a dumb ass dude....

  3. #3
    Lexed's Avatar
    Lexed is offline Anabolic Member
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    source check [email protected]
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    its because ppl like that cause other ppl to fck up there bodies and this gives steriods there bad rep.

  4. #4
    cubeclass is offline New Member
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    Sustanon much safer than Test e? My god your source needs slapped.

    Mate, test is test, sustanon is a blend of test which needed injected more often and has more esters to deal with, this can send your Blood plasma levels on a rollercoaster ride, if anything test e is better for beginners due to the stable blood levels if injected twice a week.

    As for the Gyno, both roids could give you Gyno....

    My advice? Research on this forum loads and seriously get another source.....

    You can make a proper mess of your body if you do not know exactly what you are doing...

    RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH is the name of this game...

    My guess? Your source has a serious amount of Sustanon kicking about his house that he needs to shift.....either that or he is a moron....
    Last edited by cubeclass; 04-19-2007 at 09:25 AM.

  5. #5
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gym_rat_jason
    So , in this case, shouldnt begineers start with sust instead of test e??
    The first thing beginners should start with is research. It should be about a 12-24 month cycle.
    These should help you:
    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Testosterone Enanthate
    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Sustanon 250

    *Note: What ever you do, do not listen to your source.

  6. #6
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gym_rat_jason
    Hi guys i know io may sound irritating however i think i am ready to go on my first cycle at the age of 20. I have heard ppl saying ur first cycle should be test e only but however i read from my source that begineers SHOULD stay away from it due to its super potent aromatizable agents in it. ANd also, sustanon is much safer and those prone to gyno can even use it. So , in this case, shouldnt begineers start with sust instead of test e??
    sust is just a blend of test with different length esters on it. If you are planning on injecting it once or twice a week Ithink it may increase the potentail of gyno as the levels of hoemone will be very unstable.

    As for your first cycle it should be test as it should be a base for all cycles even when run at trt levels. If your worried about gyno try a lower dose for your first cycle and have some nolvadex and or an AI on hand. If you are going to use like 500mg test/week and are gyno prone, as i am , then run with something like adex at 1mg EOd from the get go.

    If your source is giving you this information, regard any future intel from him with a large grain of salt. He probably has extra sust in his inventory he wants to dump.

  7. #7
    cubeclass is offline New Member
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    [QUOTE=He probably has extra sust in his inventory he wants to dump.[/QUOTE]

    lol! singing from the same hymn sheet !

  8. #8
    MrMe's Avatar
    MrMe is offline Member
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    Nov 2005
    I did sust and it wasnt that great, im doing test enth now and wouldnt ever look at sus again

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