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  1. #1
    nakedicarus is offline New Member
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    Apr 2007
    Tijuana, Mexico

    Cutting w/ Parabolan & Test Prop?

    I recently (three weeks ago) finished a bulking cycle which consisted of 200mg Deca and 200mg Test Enanthate , every third day. I was also taking Proviron daily. I stayed on this cycle for 10 weeks. Made some gains.

    A BB friend suggested I do a cutting cycle that won't "shrink" me, but would keep me gaining a bit while giving me some definition, which consists of Trenbolone Acetate + Test Propionate .

    Well I asked my juice guy here in Tijuana (pretty knowledgeable it seems, since lots of famous BB's which shall remain nameless, come across the border to buy stuff from him); was able to get me Test Propionate "Virormone" (alcohol based I think) and "Parabolan " (which I believe is not Trenbolone Acetate, but Trenbolone Hex...something).

    Here's a link to the pictures of what I found:


    I've been reading some posts and articles about the different Trenbolones, and would like to ask the experts here for their two cents about whether I should:
    1. Go ahead and do Parabolan + Test Propionate
    2. If so, how much should I do, and how often?
    3. Should I add something else to the cycle?

    If you think I should NOT do the above, then should I:
    1. Start a Post Cycle Therapy (from the bulking cycle I did 3 weeks ago)
    2. Do a different cutting cycle (though I'd like to mantain volume as much as possible)
    3. Any other ideas?

    One last thing I'd like to mention, is that after 3 mild cycles in my lifetime (within the past 3 years), I've found I'm prone to acne on my chest and arms. I read somewhere that Ketoconazole shampoo can help prevent acne on skin...has anyone tried this? What about taking Dicloxacillin capsules?
    Does anyone have other tips to prevent or reduce nasty acne during/after a cycle?

    I appreciate any help from you guys.

  2. #2
    nakedicarus is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Tijuana, Mexico
    By the way, my stats are:

    29 years old
    245 lbs.
    34" waist

  3. #3
    nakedicarus is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Tijuana, Mexico


  4. #4
    a78 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    that parabolan in the picture i`m sure fake it`s copy of negma parabolan and negma didn`t make para since 97

    for the Virormone it seem okk

  5. #5
    nakedicarus is offline New Member
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    Apr 2007
    Tijuana, Mexico
    Ok, I'm going back to this guy today to ask him WTF...

    ...though he did mention I'd feel warm, feverish, and cough a lot after I injected the Parabolan ...and he's fairly trustworthy... So I'm wondering, could this be real Trenbolone , packaged by some lab which sells it in these fake vials made to look like stuff that's been discontinued long ago?

    Or should I just keep looking for Trenbolone Acetate?

    (It's been hard to find, even here in Tijuana...does anyone know if pharmacies sell it here in Mexico? Or is this only found in the black market?)

    Please, I need advice ASAP

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