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  1. #1
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Dbol twice in same cycle?

    I ran dbol at the begin. of the cycle for 4 weeks and I am will be running a 12 week cycle. I was wondering if I would still see gains from dbol if I ran it the last 4 weeks at a slightly higher dosage to get the last little bit of muscle I can get?

  2. #2
    worldpower is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Don't know about you but i did that and i actually did get more gains, for now on i dont care about jump starting a cycle,im just a little patient and when the test kicks in i jump on the dbol then after i stop the dbol i have managed to maintain the results i got from it as long as im still on test and deca , works better this way for me

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    you might see gains the only thing about dbol is that u have to go up on ur doseages the more u use it. Don't get me wrong its a great great drug used it myself but u really should kinda limit ur use of it. Yes u would see gains if u upped the dose but ur liver function would suffer since its 17aa steroid . It might work I wouldn't reccommend it I think that there are no oral steroids to my knowledge that u can run longer than 6 wks. Maybe I'm wrong. But if u do them the last 4 weeks and then have 2-3 weeks of pct then ur it could quite possibly affect your next cycle should u decide to stick with dbol again.
    Might work great though, just seems a bit unorthadox thats all.

  4. #4
    graeme87 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Yes you can do this to maximise gains, a lot of people will tell you to be careful about you liver values and rightly so but your liver heals fast so 4 weeks on 4 weeks off should be enough time for you liver values to drop to fairly normal levels especially if you take some milk thistle.

    I personally like to kick start my cycles with an oral and then add an other oral towards the end either for a little more gains or use var etc to get more vascular ***ending on my goals for the cycle. But running an oral twice in one cycle is fine.

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