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  1. #1
    bigboyhutch is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    should i take anti-estrogen

    I have only done 2 cycles in my life now being my second. should i take a anti-estrogen throughout the cycle like Nolvadex ? or should i wait until after?

    my cycle is relly simple:

    test 300
    Deca 300

    8-9 weeks im on my 5th day so far.

  2. #2
    ibetucanget4 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2006
    Well if you didn't experience gyno on your first cycle, you may not be prone to it and may not see it this cycle. But if you DID experience gyno on your last cycle, then i would advise "atleast" running nolva in your cycle. You could also run something like liquidex too. Nolva is always a good thing to have on hand just in case!! And taking nolva afterwards is dealing w/ pct...

  3. #3
    bigboyhutch is offline New Member
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    Apr 2007
    very much appreciated. I noticed after my 1st cycle well about 6 months my chest felt a little spungy, but not that bad, still it concerned me a bit and made me think if i need to take it now just in case. It might, like you said, take it after my cycle. 21 days for deca i believe. though the test is 18 days. take it after the 21 right?

  4. #4
    ibetucanget4 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2006
    what did your last cycle consist of?? if your running more compounds now than you were then, which i hope you are, then i would def. run the nolva thru the cycle again. i would also get liquidex or sumthing on that matter to run w/ it too if you are gyno prone. and also, having letro on hand "just in case" is never a bad idea!!

    btw..ppl mite flame you cuz you started a cycle w/o being totally prepared..just a lil heads up!!

  5. #5
    bigboyhutch is offline New Member
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    Apr 2007
    well see I know i might get flamed, but im here for answers and others experince, which yours is quite helpful. i ran deca by its self the first time over 1 1/2 yr ago and kept my gains. i obviously didnt know much... then agian i didnt know about this and other sites that helped out for beginers. i found it on my own. once agian thanks. ill talk to my doc.

  6. #6
    ibetucanget4 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2006
    well i'm glad you found this place!! all i can say is research, research, and research some more!! lol about the talkin to your doc thing, i've read various threads on here abt how that isn't a good idea. Something like if they know ur putting your health at risk, they'll drop health insurance or won't take it or sumthing like that!! sorry i don't know the exact details. you have a PCT planned out?? tell me what it is and i'll see if i can help you out man!!! we're here to help!!

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