Just researching at the moment but liking the sound of this for my second cycle.

wks 1-4 Dbol
wk 1 2x 500mg Test E
wks 2-12 2x 250mg Test E
wks 10-14 Winny
weks 14-20 PCT (Pct and Anti E on cycle is being researched.)

Long way off doing it yet so don’t worry about the stuff I’m missing i will come to this later on but last few days I have been thinking.... can you Frontload and do a kick start of Dbol at the same time?

is it going to be overkill? Or can it lead to better gains because the Dbol will be running along side of the Test instead of after?

Also another question while i have you here, I have read that Winny is very liver toxic so by doing these two orals in one cycle is it going to be just as bad as doing an oral only cycle which are frowned upon because of the stress on the liver? does it Kinda of defeats the benefits health wise of doing an injectable cycle?

Any help on these questions and my proposed cycle would be great!

thanks J