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  1. #1
    deznuts's Avatar
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    Ordering Online sucks!

    I just received a seizure letter from customs after my first real order online. I did a test order with this source and everything came in fine but when I did the real thing everything got seized. The source does allow you to send them the letter and get a reshipment. How nice! I would do that except it seems to me that customs is getting tight and I don't care about the order that much to risk getting busted. Once you've been to jail, no amount of gear or money is worth that.

    I used to order from domestic sources but I find that all the domestic sources I used always run out of the popular stuff at certain times of the year. Like right now, all the domestic sources I use do not have winny or prop and later in the year they will run out of sust and deca . Not to mention I have seen a couple of the UGL's that don't seem to have anything I would put in my body.

    Anyone had successful reshipments or is this a sign to beware? Should I just cut my losses and start stocking up from my domestic sources now?

    Anyone else having this problem?

  2. #2
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    meh I always liked ordering domestically.

    They may not have hard to find stuff like halo and maybe tbol..maybe proviron but theres ways around that..

  3. #3
    Lexed's Avatar
    Lexed is offline Anabolic Member
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    whats the letter say just wondering never got a sizeure letter

  4. #4
    SUB-ZERO's Avatar
    SUB-ZERO is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by deznuts
    I just received a seizure letter from customs after my first real order online. I did a test order with this source and everything came in fine but when I did the real thing everything got seized. The source does allow you to send them the letter and get a reshipment. How nice! I would do that except it seems to me that customs is getting tight and I don't care about the order that much to risk getting busted. Once you've been to jail, no amount of gear or money is worth that.

    I used to order from domestic sources but I find that all the domestic sources I used always run out of the popular stuff at certain times of the year. Like right now, all the domestic sources I use do not have winny or prop and later in the year they will run out of sust and deca . Not to mention I have seen a couple of the UGL's that don't seem to have anything I would put in my body.

    Anyone had successful reshipments or is this a sign to beware? Should I just cut my losses and start stocking up from my domestic sources now?

    Anyone else having this problem?
    Seizures happen due to the source or supplier your using not using very good packing techniques to make the pack look as discreet as possible.

    Also a good reputable will always offer a re-ship if a seizure letter is issued by customs. The source will ask for proof of the seizure letter, once provided, they will re-ship another pack to a different addy or location.

    I would cut my ties with the source your currently using as to me they dont seem too secure or reputable.

  5. #5
    skank's Avatar
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    Source should have done a reshipment for you. Same thing happened to me on my very first order. But mine reshipped no problem. Best to reship elsewhere now to be safe. Your address could be flagged.

  6. #6
    jdsogge's Avatar
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    ive had 1 order seized and i am still waiting for one right now from a diff source, its been a month and a half.on my seizure my source told me to wait a week while he got in touch with a guy on the "inside" of customs to match my # from my paper to their database or whatever.i waited a week emailed them but they kept emailing me the same message, every time i emailed **** them.that was 4 months ago.

  7. #7
    sci muscle's Avatar
    sci muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Wow, this thread just scared me off...I found a very legitimate secretive type of site, but this thread has got me thinking to forget it. Supposedly they are careful with packaging, but I just don't know.

    Thanks for posting this, might have saved a few people like me from trouble.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    meh I always liked ordering domestically.

    They may not have hard to find stuff like halo and maybe tbol..maybe proviron but theres ways around that..
    ok...i'm getting the feeling my md will not give me a refill on my test and i do not want to go without....i know about not giving out scources and checking with mods or vets, but how do i find these scources..especially domestic to check..any help would be greatly test is dwindling away..

  9. #9
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    Didn't have a problem with mine. Granted I didn't get shit seized but why not order stuff in satchets and not vials? 10ml vials can only be hidden so much. =/

    I got 2ml vials of Organon Deca fine but in a bubble wrap envelope it isn't even noticeable.

    Your address is probably "flagged" now... that is what I hear happens and you don't want repeat offenses if in fact that does happen so make sure you get a different address for future shipping.

  10. #10
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by therecanonlybe1
    ok...i'm getting the feeling my md will not give me a refill on my test and i do not want to go without....i know about not giving out scources and checking with mods or vets, but how do i find these scources..especially domestic to check..any help would be greatly test is dwindling away..

    Why not just ask for their address and phone number while you're at it?

  11. #11
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    do not post package methods! Don't let secrets out.

  12. #12
    JaCKeDuPD is offline Associate Member
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    its not letting secrets out its helpin ppl like me bout to order from online from getting in trouble can someone please PM me a good way to do this so i dont get caught im only getting letro from online but its still illegal .. Deznuts how did you order, credit card??

  13. #13
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Decoder
    do not post package methods! Don't let secrets out.
    If customs and homeland security don't know how people try to sneak roids then we how the fk are they going to protect us? It isn't a matter of it being foolproof or a secret, its just the fact that the more discrete it is the easier it is to slip through in the volume of mail coming in. A tiny box that has a pill bottle that rattles is probably going to be checked.

  14. #14
    deznuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed
    whats the letter say just wondering never got a sizeure letter
    Basically, the letter states that U.S. Customs and Border Protection has interdicted a pack on certain date containing anabolic steroids on a certain date. They slao send you a letter of election of proceeding for imports of controlled substances which allows you to give up the gear or go to court with it. If you do nothing for 30 days they assume it abandoned and they destroy it.

  15. #15
    deznuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdsogge
    ive had 1 order seized and i am still waiting for one right now from a diff source, its been a month and a half.on my seizure my source told me to wait a week while he got in touch with a guy on the "inside" of customs to match my # from my paper to their database or whatever.i waited a week emailed them but they kept emailing me the same message, every time i emailed **** them.that was 4 months ago.

    I know exactly the message you are talking about. I think this source is a little shaddy I think Im going to cut my losses. Not to mention, they don't exactly package it discretely.

  16. #16
    deznuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serotonin
    Didn't have a problem with mine. Granted I didn't get shit seized but why not order stuff in satchets and not vials? 10ml vials can only be hidden so much. =/

    I got 2ml vials of Organon Deca fine but in a bubble wrap envelope it isn't even noticeable.

    Your address is probably "flagged" now... that is what I hear happens and you don't want repeat offenses if in fact that does happen so make sure you get a different address for future shipping.

    Well suprisingly the sachets 5ml ones were the ones that got seized and some pills. I didn't have any amps or vials in the order. I had received my vials from the test order. Kinda weird huh?

  17. #17
    deznuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JaCKeDuPD
    its not letting secrets out its helpin ppl like me bout to order from online from getting in trouble can someone please PM me a good way to do this so i dont get caught im only getting letro from online but its still illegal .. Deznuts how did you order, credit card??

    I used western union. For all western union money transfers under $1000 USD they do not ask you for your ID so you can put down whatever name you want and as long as you pay cash there is no way to trace it back to you.

  18. #18
    pigrond's Avatar
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    they got my satchets the bastards but the person reshipped to a new addy and all was good

  19. #19
    BOOST's Avatar
    BOOST is offline Member
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    This has been happening more and more, they must have a warehouse full of gear or some jacked agents. lol

  20. #20
    juice4life's Avatar
    juice4life is offline Associate Member
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    You need to find some new domestics bro

  21. #21
    Jon0489's Avatar
    Jon0489 is offline Junior Member
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    omg no way

    Quote Originally Posted by deznuts
    Well suprisingly the sachets 5ml ones were the ones that got seized and some pills. I didn't have any amps or vials in the order. I had received my vials from the test order. Kinda weird huh?
    youre saying sachets got seized and they gave you a letter sayin they seized them??????? so they catchin on or something? i am worried about my order.!!!

  22. #22
    jdsogge's Avatar
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    i was stupid ,i put my real name damn it

  23. #23
    jdsogge's Avatar
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    i dont know any domestic sources or where to find them.

  24. #24
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deznuts
    Well suprisingly the sachets 5ml ones were the ones that got seized and some pills. I didn't have any amps or vials in the order. I had received my vials from the test order. Kinda weird huh?
    Ah, sucks bro. I wouldn't sweat the seizure though... just go with a different address.

  25. #25
    deznuts's Avatar
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    I know some domestic sources but they are shady as hell and they are always out of what I want. Im going to see about ordering to a different address.

  26. #26
    deznuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon0489
    youre saying sachets got seized and they gave you a letter sayin they seized them??????? so they catchin on or something? i am worried about my order.!!!

    Sachets and pills. I work in a chmeistry lab and I know how much work it is to test substances. They are wastin a lot of money on that or they already know about the sachets.

  27. #27
    PoorMan's Avatar
    PoorMan is offline Junior Member
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    I just placed my last overseas order. I've read too much crap about seizures and frankly dont want to deal with it. Risking another shipment or losing my money both suck. Too nerve racking. Thanks for making me more paranoid, lol.

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