Thread: growth hormone?
08-13-2002, 05:48 AM #1
growth hormone?
Hey bros, i got a ?
If my cuz has GH (prescription), would it hurt me in any way to have him give me a pin occasionally? would it even make a difference? would i be messin myself up? i believe his injections are .5 mg
just wondering
thanks bros
08-13-2002, 06:42 AM #2
not worth it..youd need to run GH for like 16 weeks for it REALLY to be effective....
08-13-2002, 07:25 AM #3
yeah i know but would a pin every once a while hurt me?
08-13-2002, 07:48 AM #4
would it hurt no ,but it wouldnt do anything either so there is no point. Is he getting the kits or the ready inject pins of it ?
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Yes sir, when you drop your estrogen down to nothing you generally feel shitty and ache like hell. Try backin off the AI some next time.
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