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  1. #1
    andye is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2006

    splitting a cycle up into half bulker/half cutter

    last year i lost a lot of fat. from 25% down to 10 ish. but then i did a bulker at the beginning of this year and gained around 30lbs but my bf went back upto around 16.

    anyway i waited till pct and dieted back down to 10-11% and i finished up 10lbs heavier than last year.

    so my next course i was planning to do a bulker for 4weeks then a 4 week cutter at the end to harden my gains rather than dieting in pct and jeopordising gains.

    my plan is to run

    100 mgs of prop ed thorugh out.
    wk1-4 50-100mgs of anadrol (dose ***ending on sides)
    week 5-8 50mgs of tren ed
    week 9-13 pct

    i always run letro throughout as its the only thing that works for me.
    this will be my fourth cycle (my second bulker)

    is this a good idea or should i bulk right thorugh and diet after???

    cheers boys

  2. #2
    cookiemonstR's Avatar
    cookiemonstR is offline Associate Member
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    I think you should just try for a consistent diet for your goals instead of focusing on short terms solutions with cycles, they are a great help, but really your diet is the basis for how you will look. I wouldnt focus on heavy bulking and cutting in that short of a time period anyways, doesnt seem like it would work well. Good Luck.

  3. #3
    deznuts's Avatar
    deznuts is offline Junior Member
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    Personally, I have had the best results by picking either a bulker or cutter and sticking with it. Everyones body works differently and no one knows your body better than you.

  4. #4
    andye is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2006
    problem is is that i have to try real hard to keep fat off, and i have to eat alot to build muscle. i have real shit genetics. i have a skinny frame but i hold alot of fat around my stomach (well i did anyway)

    ive come on leaps and bounds since last year but i struggle to build good muscle whilst staying this lean.

    maybe i should just bulk, and monitor my fat levels. im still gonna switch to tren after 4 weeks as i dont want to run nap50s for more than that.

    cheers for the advice boys.

    i have no problems putting weight on, and there again im pretty good at dieting. its just the fine tuning in between that im crap at!

  5. #5
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    I am not a big fan of mixing things, as you end up doing none properly.

    I am in favor of when you do a bulker, you adjust your diet to it and follow it all the way.

    Same for the cutter.

    Like this you will get the full results from each.

  6. #6
    Stock's Avatar
    Stock is offline Member
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    What does your diet consist of? and what is your diet plans for your bulk/cutting cycle? IMO, do one of the other, not a half-assed try at both at the same time...

  7. #7
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
    Dog-Slime is offline Senior Member
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    Just do a CLEAN bulk. There is a good example stickied in the diet section on how to do this. If your bf does go up just dont sweat it. Wait till after pct to try and cut it down.

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