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  1. #1
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    trens ultimate kick!

    sup guys.. me and my boy are on a cycle consisting of
    100 mg of drol ed
    400 mg of tren e pw
    400 mg of test e pw
    its almost the start of week 3 and things are going pretty well thank g-d..up about a good 8 lbs and strength has really been climbing.. pumps have been there.. i get a pump when im typing at times.. im guessing thats due to the drol..? I ran test before but never drol or tren.. I am experiencing an increase of sweating, especially at night and some pretty intense dreams.. I dont rage but I am slighlty less tempered (always have been)..
    for those of you that have taken tren when do you trully feel its full effects.. bc the "side effects" (sweating, dreams) are there but im not so sure when the tren is supposed to kick in.. I mean I am much stronger but im attributing that to the drol for its quick kick in time.. when did the tren really kick in for you guys? what did you experience in terms of gains from it? im assuming not crazy weight gain, but crazy strength and vascularity? any opinions or suggestions r welcome.. so far I am not running the aromasin or proviron that I have on hand bc im not that bloated.. maybe a little bit.. anyway let me know what you guys think.. thanks bros

  2. #2
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i noticed dreams/sweats from tren a within 2 weeks for sure but they have kind of tapperd off...i dont sweat as bad and the dreams arent nearly as vivid as they were....but i do sweat ALOT more throughout the day than usual and im only 3 full weeks in

  3. #3
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    thanks for the info bro.. how r your gains? any vascularity?

  4. #4
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i wasnt that lean to begin with i think around 14ish but vascularity is one of the things i have definately noticed. forearms and shoulders i never really had veins in my shoulders and my upper chest striats pretty good when i am holding weight. but my mid section is still where im holding the fat but i havent really started to do any cardio. i've got a thread in the members cycle results "prop/tren /mast" is the name im to lazy to link it lol

  5. #5
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    thanks.. bump for more opinions

  6. #6
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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  7. #7
    deznuts's Avatar
    deznuts is offline Junior Member
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    If you are running tren enanthate your are probably only seening the affects of the drol mainly. The tren will probably at least take another week or two before you see the real affects. Cycle looks good. keep us posted

  8. #8
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    thanks.. will do

  9. #9
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    I find that running high or equal doses of test with my tren amplifies all the sides. If I'm just doing high tren with trt levels of test then the sweats aren't bad, nor does endurance suffer that much, and aggression is normal - not above average. I do get the insomnia either way though - but worse with test. I don't get weird dreams on tren - no weirder then other wise. I think that whole tren dream/nightmare thing is hooey. Its just that people remember more of there dreams on tren because they wake up more frequnelty while on it or sleep lighter.

  10. #10
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    How do you feel on tren ? Alot of people say they feel like crap on it. I'm so tempted to do it as I'm shredding up right now but my concern is feeling like crap and gyno, which I'm prone to. You get gyno easy with tren right? I guess if I ran it with proviron and had some letro on hand. I would run tren ace with my test prop and masterone prop.

    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    sup guys.. me and my boy are on a cycle consisting of
    100 mg of drol ed
    400 mg of tren e pw
    400 mg of test e pw
    its almost the start of week 3 and things are going pretty well thank g-d..up about a good 8 lbs and strength has really been climbing.. pumps have been there.. i get a pump when im typing at times.. im guessing thats due to the drol..? I ran test before but never drol or tren.. I am experiencing an increase of sweating, especially at night and some pretty intense dreams.. I dont rage but I am slighlty less tempered (always have been)..
    for those of you that have taken tren when do you trully feel its full effects.. bc the "side effects" (sweating, dreams) are there but im not so sure when the tren is supposed to kick in.. I mean I am much stronger but im attributing that to the drol for its quick kick in time.. when did the tren really kick in for you guys? what did you experience in terms of gains from it? im assuming not crazy weight gain, but crazy strength and vascularity? any opinions or suggestions r welcome.. so far I am not running the aromasin or proviron that I have on hand bc im not that bloated.. maybe a little bit.. anyway let me know what you guys think.. thanks bros

  11. #11
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther
    I find that running high or equal doses of test with my tren amplifies all the sides. If I'm just doing high tren with trt levels of test then the sweats aren't bad, nor does endurance suffer that much, and aggression is normal - not above average. I do get the insomnia either way though - but worse with test. I don't get weird dreams on tren - no weirder then other wise. I think that whole tren dream/nightmare thing is hooey. Its just that people remember more of there dreams on tren because they wake up more frequnelty while on it or sleep lighter.
    i also though the dream stuff was bullshit but i can assure you it is NOT.. my dreams are pretty nuts and extremely vivid so in my case its not hooey..

  12. #12
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    How do you feel on tren? Alot of people say they feel like crap on it. I'm so tempted to do it as I'm shredding up right now but my concern is feeling like crap and gyno, which I'm prone to. You get gyno easy with tren right? I guess if I ran it with proviron and had some letro on hand. I would run tren ace with my test prop and masterone prop.
    other than the occasional night sweats and dreams I feel great.. I feel powerful and I feel I have an edge on everybody.. people say you feel "low" on it but right now thank g-d im feeling great.. bro im sure you know this ppl over due side effects.. there are 15 yr olds on here just repeating what ppl say in another thread.. try everything for urslef and be your own judge or else you will never truely know whats going on.. i will keep u updated

  13. #13
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    Towards the end of my cycle the insomnia starts to get at me and makes me feel kind of shitty. funny thing is even when i'm feeling kind of shitty from the insomnia - I go in the gym and the weight I lifted last week with some strugle all the sudden feels like nada and i feel ready to increase. Watch those tendons though!

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