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Thread: Gyno Question

  1. #1
    irondawg725's Avatar
    irondawg725 is offline Junior Member
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    Gyno Question

    I'm going into my 4th week of my 2nd Cycle: 750mg Test E a week and 600mg of Deca a week.

    I'm beginning to notice that my nipples are getting sensitive. I'm thinking that it's gyno. I do not have any lumps or puffiness. Should I start on letro? I foundthe following post. Should I follow it's recommendations or try something else? I've read alot from the other posters that letro kind of halts your gains.

    Day 1: .50mg Letro
    Day 2: 1.0mg Letro
    Day 3: 1.5mg Letro
    Day 4: 2.0mg Letro
    Day 5: 2.5mg Letro **

    *Regardless of the anti-e you are using it is important to still use it for the first day you begin letro as the letro will not have taken any effect and you by no means want your body to be without any protection when gyno is already prevalent.

    ** You will remain at this dose until gyno symptoms subside. Once you believe your gyno is gone it is important to stay at this dose for another 4-7 days to ensure all traces are gone. I recommend people with a bf% over 15 stay on for a week as it may be harder to judge completely whether the lump is completely gone. Once this period is over it will be important to taper letro down slowly rather than coming off it completely. Regardless of which manner you tapered up your dose you will all taper down in the same fashion.

    Day 1: 2.0mg
    Day 2: 1.5mg
    Day 3: 1.0mg
    Day 4: .50mg***
    Day 5: .25mg
    ***You can remain at this dose or go down further to .25mg. It is really up to you at this point. They are both very common maintenance doses as an anti-e while on cycle. Personally I have stayed with .25mg and never had a problem.

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  3. #3
    Snrf's Avatar
    Snrf is offline Banned
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    .25mg ed won't halt gains on cycle

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