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  1. #1
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Floaties in my gear...

    I'm assuming it's just the hormone falling out of suspension, but I thought I would ask anyway...

    I have some EQ and test cyp...after the vials sit undisturbed for about a day or so, some small, different sized, fuzzy looking floaters begin to appear in the oil...maybe a half dozen or less particles are hanging about in the suspension.

    When I gently shake the vial a couple times and let it sit, the particles are gone and don't reappear for about a day or so.

    Question this a bit of the hormone falling out of suspension? Or could the gear be dirty?

    I would post some pics, but cam is dead at the moment.

    Answers or opinions would be much appreciated.


  2. #2
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Look behind you.
    Test Cyp has a habit of crashing. Escpecially if it was ever exposed to a cold climate. EQ however, is liquid to begin with. You should never see any crystals, only seperation.

    Here's what I would do. Give it a hot water bath. Put a vent pin in the top of the vial and set it in a small beaker, pan, pot, etc. Put about 1 inch of water in the bottom of the pan and set it on the stove (Just make sure the water is not near the top of the vial). Boil the water with the vial in it for about 15 minutes. Take it out, shake it hard for a minute, then let it sit there for a day. If it crashes again, the recipe was wrong and/or it wasn't filtered properly. If that's the case, I'd toss it.


  3. #3
    jackman22 is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2007
    try heating it up. Also somtimes when i homebrew little bubbles of air get stuck and look like particles but are not. Just a thought

  4. #4
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    Thanks for the pointers guys...

    I also refiltered...problem solved.

    Thanks again,

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