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  1. #1
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
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    Pro Level Cycle including GH, IGF, Insulin for Competiton

    Hey guys, been doing alot of research lately and am trying to piece together a long pro level cycle that will help me get competitive for state competition next year. Current stats are 5'10 265 at 12%BF. Been cycling for about three years. This time I plan to include GH, IGF, and insulin , I've never ran GH before so i'm hoping to see good things.

    Previous cycle was Test Prop 1000mg EW, Tren 150mg ED, Winny 100mg ED, and masteron 100mg ED. I've also ran in the past, Dbol , Adrol, EQ, Clen , Test E, Test C, Deca etc.

    I can get almost all compounds orals and injectables, just need some help on which ones I should use and how to stagger them. Before I just ran them all at the same time, but im starting to believe in the receptors downregulating alot so I thought I would switch on and off compounds. Any help would be great.

    I thought I should start out with a bulker possibly and later switch to different compounds to minimize water retention.

    Let me know what you guys think. it'd be great.
    Last edited by BIGSNOR; 05-17-2007 at 06:42 PM.

  2. #2
    THE JU-ICE is offline Associate Member
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    Dude your gonna love the GH. My friend says it makes all the difference in the world. Says it even makes the test work better.

  3. #3
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    I wrote out a cycle using exactly those compounds for an IFBB pro (friend of mine) awhile ago...he's roughly your size now (I think...he is pretty much retired)'s how it went, as I recall:

    GH: 5iu/ED
    Insulin : 10iu PWO
    IGF: 120mcg/PWO
    T4: 100mcg/day
    MGF: 200mcg/PWO

    GH and T4 are used daily, all the others are used on weight training days post-workout only.

  4. #4
    THE JU-ICE is offline Associate Member
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    Anthony, was there another compound?Test,deca ?

  5. #5
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    That was only the growth-factor portion.

  6. #6
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
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    what were the other portions, I was thinking maybe test prop and dbol for the first four weeks, then maybe test E with Tren after that, then maybe test tren and winny for the weeks after that. I wanted to stagger them so my body doesnt get used to it. If you can let me know what you guys would recommend and possibly dosages. mainly just the compounds and weeks though. thanks

  7. #7
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
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    growth portion looks really solid though Im also doing this more for cuts and lean mass gains than bulk. as always diet and cardio will be good.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGSNOR
    what were the other portions
    I didn't write out his AAS cycle, just the Growth Factor portion.

  9. #9
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
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    ok AR just looking for recommendations on the aas portion of it. but thanks for the growth comments. p.s. liked your myogenx PCT.

  10. #10
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    For this particular Pro (late 90's was his peak), he did, precontest:

    Test: 600-750mgs/week
    Deca : 400mgs/week
    Winstrol : 50 mgs/EOD
    Dbol : 20mgs/ED

  11. #11
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    1-8 Prop 100-200mg/ed
    1-8 Drol 100-200mg/ed
    1-8 NPP 100-200mg/ed

    The first 8 weeker could be a good bulker, prime before you start your cycle and you should see some great gains the first 8 weeks, lbs wise.

    8-16 Prop 100-200mg/ed
    8-16 EQ Prop 200mg/ed
    8-16 Winni 100-150mg/ed

    The next 8 weeks, you should still gain lbs, but much more lean gains with the compounds you will be running. Dropping the water ret off of the drol, and adding more lean lbs.

    16-24 Prop 100-200mg/ed
    16-24 Tren 100-200mg/ed
    16-24 Masteron 100-200mg/ed

    The last 8 weeks, would make for a nice cutter, the Prop, Tren, Masteron cycle is great for a cutter, and should rip you up before comp time.

    Also run what Anthony mentioned as far as his growth aspect of the cycle goes.


  12. #12
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
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    awesome ghost thanks alot, but why the NPP at the beginning, i have regular deca on hand, im guessing the NPP would hit immediately though huh. Just havnt researched it much, will do. and you think i should stick with the same testosterone ester the entire cycle?

  13. #13
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGSNOR
    awesome ghost thanks alot, but why the NPP at the beginning, i have regular deca on hand, im guessing the NPP would hit immediately though huh. Just havnt researched it much, will do. and you think i should stick with the same testosterone ester the entire cycle?
    NPP is a shorter ester version of Deca , and thus it will stabalize in your system much faster, and you will see results/gains quicker. The regular Deca version (long ester) takes up to 4-6 weeks to just kick in, compared to NPP which takes about a week.

    I would stay with the same Test, again no reason to change Tests, as longer ester tests require a longer wait for kick in to occur.

    What you could do is cycle with Test suspension, and Test Prop. If you can stay consistant with the constant injection frequency required for suspension (2-3 times a day) dosage can be around 100-200mg/ed. It should work very well. Gains are huge off the compound, well worth it IMO.


  14. #14
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
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    Doesnt suspension come with enormous bloat and fat ***osits? so im guessing you would want me to put it in at the beginning of my cycle. Also do you think I should try to do two 8 week stints of the TREN like this.

    weeks 1-8 Test Prop, Tren, NPP, Drol

    weeks 8-16 Prop, EQ Prop, Winni

    weeks 16-24 Prop, Tren, Masteron , dbol (possibly)

    I think tren kicks ass and just wondered if that would be wise or too much. also the dbol at the end was just to get a second oral cycle in, i've heard of people using it before comp to keep strength, and pumps etc. just not sure about how much water I'd retain at that point. Just throwin that out there.

    I actually had a caliper test today, im a trainer at a gym, by another trainer and it had me at 15 percent BF. So i would think I need to cut down to at least 10% before I started bulking correct??? or do you think the gains I get from the bulker before the cutting part of the cycle would be well worth it. Im 268 right now. Just unsure of what to do for me.

    Also i know this is alot of questions but dont you think I could run those heavy bulking roids in the beginning but keep a very clean low carb diet, that I would put on very solid muscle? I plan on running T3 this entire cycle to cut fat as well. Also thought the GH would cut quite a bit of fat as well, plus i will be doing cardio ED.

    Sorry if its hard to answer all that, just have alot of ideas running through my head right now.

  15. #15
    shredzs's Avatar
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    dunno bout the EQ prop, havent heard about anybody who has had success with it, severe sickness, pain, and lethargy after only 1 shot has been reported several times

  16. #16
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
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    anybody else?? think i should do the second portion of the cycle first to get my bodyfat down then do the bulking part nad then the last cutting part?? i would like to look semi good this summer not just a water retaining blob lol.

  17. #17
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Well your bf as you stated is 12% and at 265lbs, you should look pretty lean as it is.

    When your bulking, you shouldnt add much if any at all bf, since your already at 265 you dont need to get that much bigger. A decent 10lbs would suffice, keep your cals clean, and do some cardio.

  18. #18
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGSNOR
    Doesnt suspension come with enormous bloat and fat ***osits? so im guessing you would want me to put it in at the beginning of my cycle. Also do you think I should try to do two 8 week stints of the TREN like this.

    No, test suspension doesnt come with enormous bloat and fat ***osits, run an AI like Letro, and keep your diet clean, low sodium and sugar, and you will be fine.

    The Tren is up to you bro, i suggested my ideas based on your statements, that you wanted different compounds ran at different times, b/c you didnt want your body to get used to things.

    weeks 1-8 Test Prop, Tren, NPP, Drol

    weeks 8-16 Prop, EQ Prop, Winni

    weeks 16-24 Prop, Tren, Masteron , dbol (possibly)

    I think tren kicks ass and just wondered if that would be wise or too much. also the dbol at the end was just to get a second oral cycle in, i've heard of people using it before comp to keep strength, and pumps etc. just not sure about how much water I'd retain at that point. Just throwin that out there.

    Dbol before a comp IMO shouldnt be utilized, strength and pumps should come regularly with the compounds you will be running. Prop, Tren, Masteron.

    I actually had a caliper test today, im a trainer at a gym, by another trainer and it had me at 15 percent BF. So i would think I need to cut down to at least 10% before I started bulking correct??? or do you think the gains I get from the bulker before the cutting part of the cycle would be well worth it. Im 268 right now. Just unsure of what to do for me.

    Nobody here can tell you which route to take, its your job to assess your physique and body structure accordingly, and based on your conclusions make the neccessary changes to suite your needs, and propel you into comp status. Also by now you should have an idea of how long it takes you to gain and lose bf overtime.

    Also i know this is alot of questions but dont you think I could run those heavy bulking roids in the beginning but keep a very clean low carb diet, that I would put on very solid muscle? I plan on running T3 this entire cycle to cut fat as well. Also thought the GH would cut quite a bit of fat as well, plus i will be doing cardio ED.

    Sorry if its hard to answer all that, just have alot of ideas running through my head right now.
    My suggestions are in red above


  19. #19
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Post up a picture so we can get an idea of where you stand as of now as far as your symmetry and development.

    Then I'll make recommendations on the cycle.

  20. #20
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
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    well i only want to run different compounds if thats what you recommend, in the past i just pick 3 or 4 roids and run them all the entire length of the cycle at the same dosage. I'll post some pics up tonight so you can have a better guess at where i'm at. i personally think im more than 12 maybe more than 15 you'll see.

  21. #21
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    don't mean to hijack but how do u stay healthy and keep organs running with a cycle like this? sorry if I'm butting in, just curious

  22. #22
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    I'm only asking so that I can steal some methods and ideas. can't hurt

  23. #23
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGSNOR
    Hey guys, been doing alot of research lately and am trying to piece together a long pro level cycle that will help me get competitive for state competition and hopefully nationals next year. Current stats are 5'10 265 at 12%BF. Been cycling for about three years. This time I plan to include GH, IGF, and insulin , I've never ran GH before so i'm hoping to see good things.

    Previous cycle was Test Prop 1000mg EW, Tren 150mg ED, Winny 100mg ED, and masteron 100mg ED. I've also ran in the past, Dbol , Adrol, EQ, Clen , Test E, Test C, Deca etc.

    I can get almost all compounds orals and injectables, just need some help on which ones I should use and how to stagger them. Before I just ran them all at the same time, but im starting to believe in the receptors downregulating alot so I thought I would switch on and off compounds. Any help would be great. I was thinking I wanted to run this about 24 weeks.

    I thought I should start out with a bulker possibly and later switch to different compounds to minimize water retention.

    Let me know what you guys think. it'd be great.
    Again im just advising on what i read in your original post.


  24. #24
    Lexed's Avatar
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    jesus those are some crazy dose's

  25. #25
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    I'll go out on the limb and say I believe you rely too much on anabolics and don't have much education on proper diet or a great training regimen.

    I may be wrong, I'll wait to see pics. At your stats I'm sure you're holding some size for sure but how much symmetry and development might be a different story. A 24wk cycle is just absurd and isn't the way you should be heading at such an early point in your bodybuildering career if health matters to you.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

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  26. #26
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
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    I know how to eat trust me, and I know how to train. whether i choose to do it or not is a different story sometimes. Dieting is just my crutch and its hard since im in college but now that im done, i think my results will be much better and wont have all the distractions to work around. I did get down to 9 or 10 percent about four months ago, but I was just so burnt out my eating habits just went to shit, and i wasnt able to do cardio consistently for a couple of months due to my hours at the gym got really crazy. anyways im getting back on track now. pics will be up in an hour.

  27. #27
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    k heres the pics, keep in mind right now im on day 3 of test prop and anadrol and have gained about 7 pounds already and its solid puff lol, not taking anything to keep the water bloat down, but none the less i do have alot of fat that needs to be shed. Let me know what you think.

    Also to keep the water bloat down what do you think i should take?? a good anti E? or something different. I was thinking Nolva or liquidex, maybe a-dex.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Pro Level Cycle including GH, IGF, Insulin for Competiton-phto0003.jpg  
    Last edited by BIGSNOR; 05-16-2007 at 06:40 PM.

  28. #28
    NewVader is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGSNOR
    Hey guys, been doing alot of research lately and am trying to piece together a long pro level cycle that will help me get competitive for state competition and hopefully nationals next year. Current stats are 5'10 265 at 12%BF. Been cycling for about three years. This time I plan to include GH, IGF, and insulin , I've never ran GH before so i'm hoping to see good things.

    Previous cycle was Test Prop 1000mg EW, Tren 150mg ED, Winny 100mg ED, and masteron 100mg ED. I've also ran in the past, Dbol , Adrol, EQ, Clen , Test E, Test C, Deca etc.

    I can get almost all compounds orals and injectables, just need some help on which ones I should use and how to stagger them. Before I just ran them all at the same time, but im starting to believe in the receptors downregulating alot so I thought I would switch on and off compounds. Any help would be great. I was thinking I wanted to run this about 24 weeks.

    I thought I should start out with a bulker possibly and later switch to different compounds to minimize water retention.

    Let me know what you guys think. it'd be great.
    did you mean 22?

  29. #29
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    so from the other posts I can gather u can't stay healthy on this big of a cycle?

  30. #30
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    no offense bro, but whoever told you that you had 12% BF needs to have their calipers readjusted, and heir head checked.

  31. #31
    Manpretty's Avatar
    Manpretty is offline Member
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    i would guess you are 20% or more...meaning youd be reasonable cut at 225 and still no where near a comp

  32. #32
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    WOW...that is all i can say...i am about 295 and if i dieted down to compete ai would come in at around 255 and i am in way better shape than you now, so if you dieted down to comp ready shape you might make heavyweight, but prolly top of light heavy...get your diet right and dont rely on GH for fat are close to 22%bf now and need to get it way think a year long cycle and GH will get you ready for nationals next year...i have been training for 6 years and am qualified for nationals and still know i am not ready, you need at least 7 more years of lifting and dieting to even think you can do state or nationals have been cycling for 3 years so you have been prolly training for 3 years too, get more time and experience under ya man...PLEASE...

  33. #33
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Very well put. I totally agree. If I were you, I would spend a lot of time asking myself how bad I want this. If you cant hold a good diet you might as well not even use AAS. The health risks for you using AAS at your bodyfat outweigh the benefits you might receive. The dosages you are using are very high for someone at your level of development. You really need to evaluate how you are doing things. I respect you a lot for posting up your pictures and putting yourself on the spot.

  34. #34
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    You're obese bro. Your diet is FAR from good and your training is more than likely right there with it just as I suspected.. Take this as constructive criticism and start educating yourself while you're young and can make some serious changes to your physique.

    I'd guess you're over 20%bodyfat easily.
    Post your current daily diet in the Diet Forum for critique. Also check out Majorpecs thread in the diet forum and see how he's been progressing with proper diet, whether you're in school or not that is just an excuse to eat like shit.

    Goodluck, I really hope you take our criticism in a good way instead of getting upset. You have a lot of potential if you make the necessary changes now.

  35. #35
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
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    i never claimed that was right i always thought it was higher way higher, thats why i didnt wanna do a bulk portion of a cycle. and as far as nationals i wasnt talking walk on stage, i just want to get to a reasonable size that i can begin working up from. and i also mentioned that that anadrol im taking is making me look like shit. pure bloat. i'll get my diet up, but the main things i eat though are chicken breast, ground turkey, lots of tuna, fish, steak, etc. as far as carbs, red potatoes and white rice, wheat bread, (hate brown). dont really eat many carbs though, just the first two meals of the day. I know those pics were sad, and i'll have some better ones up soon.

    As far as cycle goes what do you recommend now then.

  36. #36
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGSNOR

    As far as cycle goes what do you recommend now then.
    No cycle. You need to stimulate your metabolism through clean dieting, work your bf% down without AS , making your body naturally anabolic to ensure you get the most out of a heavy cycle like you plan on doing. Imo you will be wasting $$$ and your health running a big cycle as you are now, dial your body in better, you wont need to run as much gear.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  37. #37
    NewVader is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGSNOR
    i never claimed that was right i always thought it was higher way higher, thats why i didnt wanna do a bulk portion of a cycle. and as far as nationals i wasnt talking walk on stage, i just want to get to a reasonable size that i can begin working up from. and i also mentioned that that anadrol im taking is making me look like shit. pure bloat. i'll get my diet up, but the main things i eat though are chicken breast, ground turkey, lots of tuna, fish, steak, etc. as far as carbs, red potatoes and white rice, wheat bread, (hate brown). dont really eat many carbs though, just the first two meals of the day. I know those pics were sad, and i'll have some better ones up soon.

    As far as cycle goes what do you recommend now then.

    whatever you are eating it' s just too much. Cut down the calories. The pics are not sad, they are surprising after you stated you're @ 12%bf. If you stated 22 no one would have been surprised

  38. #38
    WEBB's Avatar
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    you didnt wanna do a bulk cycle, but you are on anadrol ....c'mon man you need to read up on things like aas and diet a lot have a good base under there...get it down to 14% at the least and then we'll go from there...

  39. #39
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
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    thanks for the kick in the ass guys, it was just what i needed. I appreciate it and all comments will be taken constructively. Also i took the ADROL because somebody recommended it to me to bulk first and cut later, but I knew thats not what i wanted to do,(and tried it anyway) i know i need to get down first before I ever think of getting bigger.

  40. #40
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Look behind you.
    I commend you for taking this criticism so well. It says a lot about your character. Follow the advice you've been given and good luck to you.

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