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  1. #1
    runninpony's Avatar
    runninpony is offline Associate Member
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    Critique my diet

    Currently I am 5'11 175lbs 15%bf. I am starting a dbol \test e\deca cycle tomorrow and my ultimate goal would be to gain at least 15-20lbs and lose a couple % body fat. Would rather stay a little on the lean side even if it means I wont get complete gains to stay away from more fat gain. Anyway here is example of diet please let me know what you think. As you can see Im getting most carbs for breakfast and post workout,

    0600 3 Eggs, 1/2 cup oatmeal with skim milk and 2 tbl spoons flax seed
    0900 1 large chicken breast(44g protein)
    1200 Tuna or chicken and 1 cup of pasta or veggies(or sometimes chicken
    Fettucine lean cuisine)
    1230 protein shake(20g)
    1300 workout
    1400 protein shake(40g protein & 60g carbs from dextrose)
    1600 large chicken breast
    1900 Tuna or chicken and 1 cup veggies
    2100 glass of skim milk

  2. #2
    sonnygll's Avatar
    sonnygll is offline Member
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    I would take 40g protein before the workout too. Maybe put it in some milk so you get some carbs, you don't need much though. Then just eat more in general. Add mostly protein if you're worried about getting fat. The way you taper your carbs is good for keeping you from getting fat. Maybe some casein protein in the last meal, or just eat some cheese.

  3. #3
    runninpony's Avatar
    runninpony is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonnygll
    I would take 40g protein before the workout too. Maybe put it in some milk so you get some carbs, you don't need much though. Then just eat more in general. Add mostly protein if you're worried about getting fat. The way you taper your carbs is good for keeping you from getting fat. Maybe some casein protein in the last meal, or just eat some cheese.
    I was thinking about upping to 40g protein pre workout, some say you need carbs preworkout some say you dont, but my meal 30 minutes before preworkout shake includes slow digesting carbs such as veggies or pasta so I figured I was OK with this. how about adding a couple of tbsp of peanut butter with my milk before bed?? I Love me some pb!!!

  4. #4
    the big lebowski is offline Junior Member
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    more fat, less protein IMO, ur gettin alotta cals from protein, maybe too much. that was my problem i found out when i started wei***n my chicken breasts and checked to find out i was eatin 90+ grams of protien from one large chicken breast 3 x a day on top of the other 3 meals . think about eatin just 3-4 oz of each breast instead (bout the size of a can of tuna), itll save ya $ too
    Last edited by the big lebowski; 05-15-2007 at 07:31 PM.

  5. #5
    sonnygll's Avatar
    sonnygll is offline Member
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    I agree more fat. That goes along with eating more in general like I was saying. I think the protein is fine though. If you are going to build like 20 to 30 pounds over 12 weeks or so it has to come from somewhere. peanut butter is good to add. The fats probably go best in the later meals since the carbs go better early and after workout.

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