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  1. #1
    JMan06's Avatar
    JMan06 is offline Member
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    skipping shot bad?

    im on test prop and npp about 6th week. is it alright if i skip todays shot? im shooting it 80mg/ed of each. Long time girlfriend broke up with me and im feeling miserable and rly not in mood to do anything but sleep.

    Would this affect cycle much or at all? Just this one day?

  2. #2
    scribbs12's Avatar
    scribbs12 is offline Member
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    1 day wouldnt really mess you up from what i read... but it would just throw your levels off a bit.. but i think you should tough it out and shoot it up... theres nothing ,physically keeping you from doing it... but good luck anyways.. hope that helps

  3. #3
    EasyPoster is offline New Member
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    The reason you shoot up on a timed schedule is so your body gets accustomed to chemicals your shooting into your body . Although it may not have any visible effects, it will interefere with your body "chemical clock". That's why it is good to shoot up at the same time on the same days every week, so your body adjusts to the chemicals.

  4. #4
    cycleme is offline Junior Member
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    only takes ya 2 minutes to shoot mate, dont let women get in the way of your goals! You can do it! lol

  5. #5
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    when i broke up with my gf of 3 years mid cycle i felt the same way you did man, but i took the shots, went to the gym and took it all out there, and felt fantastic afterwards.

    i know its not what you want to hear right now, but at least you'll be jacked.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    yeah now that you done with her you gonna wanna be jacked and what not to attract new tail. go site seeing tomorrow and land yourself one..... its helped for me when i had my big break up of a 2 year relationship. new bitch=forget old bitch.

  7. #7
    JMan06's Avatar
    JMan06 is offline Member
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    k i did it. its midnight and pretty late but i did it. thanks bros.

    anyone find it hard to muster up the energy to hit the gym after a break up? all i wanna do is lay in bed and hide away. thinking about how hurt id be seeing her with someone else like she was with me

  8. #8
    morphysique is offline New Member
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    bro been their done that. its okay to feel the hurt. however you have to tell yourself how much time in a day are you going to let this keep you down. muster up the true warrior and get going bro. just remember the new champ in her life" if their is one" has'nt or isnt going to get anything you have not already had. and once again. work on your confidence and secure your emotions. and even though you two may not get back together. i'd bet ya she will not only see a new man months from now. but she will also know that she didnt hurt you as much as she may think. and this is important.

    hope all goes well bro. im pretty sure you still got yo swagger. now lets refocus all that lost energy on something more important"YOU" PEACE OUT Morp!!!

  9. #9
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Keep at it Jman, i know it sucks, but if you cant keep up with it, it might be a good time to let this cycle go and wait till youre mentally ready to hit it hard and eat big too, i hope u can get past this...


  10. #10
    kroshamwindsong's Avatar
    kroshamwindsong is offline New Member
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    When this has happened to me in the past I have found going to the gym and really pushing (or punishing) myself has worked out much better than lying in bed and trying to sleep away the pain. I could never sleep properly at these times anyway. My mind would keep racing through all these "what if" or "could have/should have" scenarios which get you no further along the process. Work hard, release some endorphins and pass out. Time will eventually do its healing...its the waiting for time to pass that sucks. Good luck Bro.

  11. #11
    jackman22 is offline Associate Member
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    you could of shot it by time you typed up this question..... makes sence

  12. #12
    Valac's Avatar
    Valac is offline Member
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    dude its f**kin hard to keep motivated when ur feeling low. u need to keep ur day 2 day routine in tack otherwise it can have a huge negative effect on you. hit the gym hard, it helps clear ur mind. hope things take a turn to the brighter side

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