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Thread: buying?

  1. #1
    eoj875 is offline New Member
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    Question buying?

    hey i need help, im sure this question sounds stupid to people whove been usings steroids for a while but i havnt been able to find nething round the gym i go to n its hard to believe how none of these massive dudes at the gym dont really no shit but i was told steroids are legal in europe and i found a couple of european websites that sell andriol and anavar which is what im looking for, i just wanted to know if ordering online would be a retarded thing to do or not?? n if neone can help thatd be great, thanx

  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    All I will say is this, be very wary of online stores

    as for the rest, Pass the 45 days or 100 post marks and confirm (your source) with a willing Mod .... BUT NO ASKING FOR SOURCES

  3. #3
    TheSentinal's Avatar
    TheSentinal is offline Member
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    Bro - I hope you are more tactful than your email sounds. Obtaining sources and gear is not something you just "ask around the gym" or hitting up "massive dudes". No one will want to talk about steroids . You will gain a negative reputation at your gym if you approach it that way.

    The right way is to work your ass off at your gym for months. Ask for advice on training when appropriate and slowly gain the trust of others working out. Without their respect, you won't ever get any information. I don't know a thing about you, but if some new guy was asking for gear at my gym, I wouldn't even talk to him. There is too much at risk. Trust and confidence.

    You are taking the same approach online here as in your gym. You have 5 posts and are asking about ordering gear. The rules here are clear. You have not put in your time and posts to gain the minimum trust factor here.

    I am not flaming you, but giving you advice. Stick around here and contribute good solid posts. Do your research and become knowledgeable. Eventually you will be able to get the information you seek, but you need to earn it.

  4. #4
    celticd's Avatar
    celticd is offline Associate Member
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    sorry bro but steroids are illegal in most european countries,there are a few exceptions mainly the eastren blok countries also turkey and greece.
    its a long way to go on holiday if youre thinking of getting some,stick around and im sure youl find much better alternatives to andriol and anavar ,as SMAN12B says:EDUCATE BEFORE U MEDICATE
    Last edited by celticd; 05-16-2007 at 11:24 AM.

  5. #5
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
    Dog-Slime is offline Senior Member
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    If you can find a good reputable source then ordering off the interenet works. Be warned tho, there are many scammers. I suggest the suppliers list on this site since your wanting to order international.

  6. #6
    eoj875 is offline New Member
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    i been doin research n no i dont just go up to them and ask hey big dude can i get some steroids , i know some of the guys from working out wit them at the gym and a couple of my boys say theyve got it from people around, but im new to the wholesteroid game, ive used supplements ike halodrol n shit but thats nothing compared, i know some of my shit sounds stupid but im just looking for some advice and knowledge to be honest

  7. #7
    Idunno is offline Banned
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    If you're looking for advice an knowledge then this is the place. But you won't "find" a source here. As previously mentioned though, after you have enough posts and such you could try asking a mod or other tenured member about the website or other source you're considering and they may or may not confirm you're good to go.

    check out the Educational threads to learn the most info the fastest .

  8. #8
    eoj875 is offline New Member
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  9. #9
    eoj875 is offline New Member
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  10. #10
    TripleX19 is offline New Member
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    I'm a new member also, but I already have my sources. Just wondering if the "list" provided here was good. I was thinking of ordering them myself instead of going through the guy I know. Didn't know if it was worth ordering though.

  11. #11
    gehirin's Avatar
    gehirin is offline Junior Member
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    Ordering online is tricky. SO many get burned but yes, you can find some sources there. Just got to be smart in finding them. Some of the internet sites are quite expensive but some are reasonable. For me I was in the same boat. But I actually got my first set of gear in Thailand (my wife is Thai). It's easy to get but considered illegal over there too and you run the risk of transportation on illegal substances when checking at the airports. I then found a domestic source. Just be patient and research this long and hard, otherwise you lose alot of cash and probably end up with fake gear.

  12. #12
    TripleX19 is offline New Member
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    Yeah, I will probably wait until I become a "member" and have a mod check the local gear that I have access too.

  13. #13
    sonnygll's Avatar
    sonnygll is offline Member
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    Here is how I did it. I just worked hard/smart and got big naturally. I started getting those looks from people. You know what I'm talking about, the "I think he uses gear" looks. Then shortly after, the subject just kind of came up. I could tell he wanted to ask me if I was on. He just kind of fished and he mentioned thinking about taking them. Then the next time I talked to him I admitted that I was tempted to try it. So he said he could help with that when I was ready.

    That's pretty much how it's done. You have to be big and you have to talk to people between sets. I wasn't even trying to find it. I had just recently started considering steroids .

  14. #14
    gehirin's Avatar
    gehirin is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah, that kinda happened to me. You just start BS'in with some of the people at the gym, they know you're a regular, and people begin to talk openly once they know you. I remember one guy at the gym I'm cool with...came up to me (I was ending a test dbol cycle) and said 'hey, what are you doing...taking vitamin S' I just laughed.

  15. #15
    StairRoyd's Avatar
    StairRoyd is offline New Member
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    That's the only way...

    Work out hard for a while and get big. I made a friend with the Juicer at the gym and I asked him a few questions and he basically opened up to me. I've never thought of doing steroids and still haven't done steroids and just recently I asked about Anavar ... and he said he could get it for me.

    BAM! next thing you know, you have access to anything and everything.

  16. #16
    SilverToungedDevil's Avatar
    SilverToungedDevil is offline Associate Member
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    very similar to my story.. just trained like a guerilla for years at the local gym and made some friends who just happened to be connected and then made more friends who were also connected... next thing i know i have access to anything. just gotta put your time in...

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