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  1. #1
    mario_ps2's Avatar
    mario_ps2 is offline Associate Member
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    Test E vs Superdrol = equal gains?

    What do you guys think about Superdrol having the same effect as an 8 week cycle of test e at say.. 500 mls a week. I have seen many posts from test e and almost all users have gained between 10 to 25 lbs.

    However, superdrol does give you the same least for first time users.

    What is the advantage of using an injected vs an oral apart from being toxic to liver?

    Please give your opinions..

  2. #2
    sonnygll's Avatar
    sonnygll is offline Member
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    superdrol doesn't work for long. You're lucky if you still get gains your 4th week. The 3rd week is not that great and people reported much more sides. Mine was a little more then 2 weeks. I started out with 2 a day, when that was ok I went to 3, and finally to 4. Then I tapered down at the end too. For about 11 days I took 4 a day, which is high. but I didn't have any side effects other then a pleasant warm tingling feeling in my upper back. I netted 5 pounds of muscle. That's pretty good for that period of time. But if I took it for 8 weeks I would not gain 40 pounds. I would gain maybe 6 or 7. I think it is better to take it for a couple weeks and then maybe in a couple months do it again. I wouldn't do it more then 3 or 4 times though. Long term use WILL damage your liver.

    So, the short answer really is: it's apples and oranges. The results are the same but only for a couple weeks. That and I hear test doesn't kick in for a while.

    I wonder how test and superdrol would be together......

  3. #3
    mario_ps2's Avatar
    mario_ps2 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for you opinion sonnygpl.

    I kind of wonder, which one is more keepable "muscle that will not shrink or fade away once your cycle is over" of both steroids ?

    Is Superdrol more toxic to the liver as Dianabol/D-bol? Wouldn't this one be as harsh for the liver in the long run just as Superdrol?

  4. #4
    DavidYork2's Avatar
    DavidYork2 is offline Associate Member
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    I am a novice but I am guessing that overall test would be far superior to Superdrol in terms of keeping size and strength gains after it all.

  5. #5
    sonnygll's Avatar
    sonnygll is offline Member
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    From what I have seen everything with that formula type is equally hard on the liver. A lot of people do argue that you might as well take dbol if you're going to do that. superdrol is a good first thing to try though I think.

    I haven't tried it yet, but I am told test is the best.

    It is really hard to say how much of the weight I lost was muscle. Couldn't have been more then a pound or so I would think. I have VERY drastic differences in carb intake between bulking and cutting, so even with superdrol's drying effect, I still added water weight.

  6. #6
    sandiegoweather is offline New Member
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    I havent done a real injectable cycle but I have done 2 superdrol cycles.

    THe first cycle lasted 3 weeks, tipped the scale an additional 22 lbs. I kept all of it during and after PCT. It was crazy everyone noticed.

    The second cycle only lasted 14 days due to the shit i was going through in school, so i cut it short. I had a slightly below maint calorie level still managed to gain 12 lbs.

    Nose bleeds and lethargy were the 2 big side effects for me.

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