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  1. #1
    getfit28's Avatar
    getfit28 is offline Member
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    (cycle )substitude Letro ?

    Age 28/ ht 5’8 / wt 175 / working out for 3 years,,,,
    Done Ph’s in the past
    Ran one cycle of Test Cyp only in the past but not well educated when I first did it so
    It was not a very good experience…. I did not have the proper PCT in hand just Test cyp so you can just imagine what happen.
    Anyway, I’ve done more research got more educated & before I get my stuff I want to see what you guys think about cycle ?

    1st wk .. Test E 500mg / D- bol 40mg
    2nd wk .. Test E 500mg / D- bol 40mg
    3rd wk .. Test E 500mg / D- bol 40mg
    4th wk .. Test E 500mg / D- bol 40mg
    5th wk .. Test E 500mg /
    6th wk .. Test E 500mg /
    7th wk .. Test E 500mg /
    8th wk .. Test E 500mg /
    9th wk .. Test E 500mg /
    10thwk .. Test E 500mg /
    13th wk clomid 100mg ed / noval 40mg
    13th wk clomid 50mg ed / noval 30mg
    14th wk clomid 50mg ed / noval 20mg
    Will be taking plenty multivitamins, fish oil, & milk thistle

    I really think this cycle is ok but my main question is should I add Arimidex ?
    I have letro from ARR, should I just use this .25 ed substituting the Ariimidex ?
    Also, what kind of results do you think I’ll get ?
    (I want to gain about 15-20lb but solid )
    Any help will be appreciated, thanks..

  2. #2
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    Nice cycle. Did you have gyno problems from the cyp? test ent is almost the same thing and you will have the same sides form it. I think letro is overkill, you will be better off with A-dex but I personally would use proviron and have nolva on hand if needed. GL

  3. #3
    getfit28's Avatar
    getfit28 is offline Member
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    Yes, I did get some gyno on my last cycle I tried ( Test Cyp )..
    Will this mean I can get it again ? should I go a different route with the cycle of Test E or will tha arimidex take care of it ?
    This is the part where I'm stuck !

  4. #4
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    It means you are susceptible to gyno, like me. First and foremost you will want to always have an anti-e on hand, on and off cycle. Letro is the strongest. If running test at the doses you mentioned, 500mg/wk you should be alright with nolva/proviron but keep letro on hand in case. The nolva will compete with the estrogen in your body and the proviron will inhibit the conversion of test into estrogen, it will also make your test work better. The two together on a test cycle should be good enough to prevent gyno, it always works for me. The problem with using an AI is it stops estrogen production in males. You need estrogen in your body, lots of bad sides happen when you eliminate estrogen so avoid strong AIs if you can.

  5. #5
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Ok, I can go with Povrion instead of Amiridex but how do you usually take
    Povrion, should it be taken 25mg ed throughout the 10 wk cycle ?
    Also, my pct Noval & Clmomid is fine correct ? or should I drop the clomid ?

  6. #6
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    I like your PCT, thats what I use. Proviron at 25mgs ED is also what i use, if you need to, go up to 50mg ED. The most noticable side I get from proviron is constant erections, your libido will go through the roof. GL

  7. #7
    getfit28's Avatar
    getfit28 is offline Member
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    Thank you Kfrost, this is what I wanted to here bud.. See I don’t want woody to stop working & I know with Test that will not happen but D-bol will make it happen any way
    If Proviron prevents from me getting gyno & allows woody to function than this is good… Thanks once again bro, I will keep in touch

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