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  1. #1
    bpm1's Avatar
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    is there any point in running more than 600mg wk of deca?

    my title asks the question im basically looking at runing a cycle with an hrt dose of test and i want to take the most deca that is reasonable and effective could i go with 800mg? so it would be 200mg test w/800mg deca

  2. #2
    BOOST's Avatar
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    Seems high to me, I would run 400mg of test and 300mg of deca . With your deca dose being higher than test, say goodbye to your sex drive. It is going to shut you down hard Bro.

  3. #3
    bpm1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOOST
    Seems high to me, I would run 400mg of test and 300mg of deca. With your deca dose being higher than test, say goodbye to your sex drive. It is going to shut you down hard Bro.
    the thing is i dont do well with the higher doses of test so with 200mg ill be fine.deca shuts down natty test completely but doesnt affect synthetic test levels so ill be really trying to figure out how high i can go on the deca

  4. #4
    SilverToungedDevil's Avatar
    SilverToungedDevil is offline Associate Member
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    if you look at the charts you would see that once you get past 600mgs of deca a week, the effectiveness doesn't go up significantly. i think that with the 200mgs of test and 600mgs of deca and the proper diet you could put on some good size. obviously not as quick or drastic as if you were to up the test but solid size nonetheless.

  5. #5
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Bro, 600mg of Deca is a solid number. I think that 600mg is the most effective, cost vs gains vs side effects.

    And yea, as you stated, you should be fine with only 200mg of Test/wk. Few people I know have any problems with libido while running TRT doses of Test with a higher dose of a 19-Nor.

    Good luck.

  6. #6
    Decoder's Avatar
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    this is my third time running deca , and im around 540mgs per week.. I think your high in your dosage.

  7. #7
    Decoder's Avatar
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    each time you do it your going to raise your tollerance to a point where it wont work anymore over years and years... then you jump to hgh, but your already at 600 see my point?

  8. #8
    cfiler's Avatar
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    I wouldn't run deca that high. I'd bump the test upto 500mgs weekly, and drop the deca down to 400mgs, to prevent deca dick and other side effects.

    But it all ***ends on your age + stats, and goal for the cycle...

  9. #9
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    the thing is i dont do well with the higher doses of test so with 200mg ill be fine.deca shuts down natty test completely but doesnt affect synthetic test levels so ill be really trying to figure out how high i can go on the deca
    Exactly man, deca won't suppress the synthetic test you're injecting. I'm starting a cycle of testE at 250mg a week, deca at 500mg a week, and dbol at 55mg a day for the first 5 weeks. You'll be suprised by how you'll have fewer issues with sides with a lower dose of test. Don't listen to the parrots about "deca needs to be higher than test", that's bull$hit.

  10. #10
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testisbest
    Exactly man, deca won't suppress the synthetic test you're injecting. I'm starting a cycle of testE at 250mg a week, deca at 500mg a week, and dbol at 55mg a day for the first 5 weeks. You'll be suprised by how you'll have fewer issues with sides with a lower dose of test. Don't listen to the parrots about "deca needs to be higher than test", that's bull$hit.
    Nobody's able to tell him what to do. All we can do is make suggestions, based upon our own research and experience.

    From my experience, I get Extreamly bad deca dick, unless the test I'm using as a base is higher that the deca.

    For you, you may be fine with running deca, and no test at all. Everyone is different.

    I'm not a huge fan of deca. Unless you are looking for joint aid, there are much better compounds available to use in a cycle imo.

  11. #11
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    Nobody's able to tell him what to do. All we can do is make suggestions, based upon our own research and experience.

    From my experience, I get Extreamly bad deca dick, unless the test I'm using as a base is higher that the deca.

    For you, you may be fine with running deca, and no test at all. Everyone is different.

    I'm not a huge fan of deca. Unless you are looking for joint aid, there are much better compounds available to use in a cycle imo.
    I would never do a cycle without at least 250mg of test a week. You must be having prolactin issues if you get deca dick and you're using at least 150mg of test weekly IMO.

  12. #12
    bpm1's Avatar
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    thanks for the input guys ill keep it at 600mg a wk.

  13. #13
    DARKSEID's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    my title asks the question im basically looking at runing a cycle with an hrt dose of test and i want to take the most deca that is reasonable and effective could i go with 800mg? so it would be 200mg test w/800mg deca

    What's reasonable is really up to you, ***ends on how you've responded to it before and how recovery is. If you want an opinion, I personally respond well to higher doses of deca and don't see an issue with 800mg.

  14. #14
    bpm1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DARKSEID
    What's reasonable is really up to you, ***ends on how you've responded to it before and how recovery is. If you want an opinion, I personally respond well to higher doses of deca and don't see an issue with 800mg.
    this is what i was asking basically to see if its not a crazy amount.if i did 200mg of test and 800mg of deca that would be a gram a wk total of the compounds ive seen alot of guys running more than that in total that really gonna desensitize me to deca or is this a myth?and as for deca ive never run it before my 1st cycle was test only with some winny athe end.i found i didnt do well w/the higher levels of test so thus came about this cycle idea

  15. #15
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    from experience.. the dose is based on the size and experience of the individual.
    i know people who been training 6-7yrs str8 hard core.. benching close to 500, military 405 for reps and dead and squat more than enough.. and a cycle of say 500test/600deca really didnt do a whole lot for them even though it was their first cycle. so its not just aas use that effects ones gains from the compounds/dosages but the SIZE/Muscle maturity of that individual as well.

  16. #16
    DARKSEID's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    this is what i was asking basically to see if its not a crazy amount.if i did 200mg of test and 800mg of deca that would be a gram a wk total of the compounds ive seen alot of guys running more than that in total that really gonna desensitize me to deca or is this a myth?and as for deca ive never run it before my 1st cycle was test only with some winny athe end.i found i didnt do well w/the higher levels of test so thus came about this cycle idea

    It's not crazy but I didn't realize this was your first run with it. I don't think you'd need to go that high to start. Remember when people are running grams+ per week, they already have experience with what they are using. Not just blasting big amounts from the getgo.

  17. #17
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    gotcha, ill keep it at 600mg per wk, we'll see how that goes, thanks guys input always appreciated!

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