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Thread: gyno question

  1. #1
    juict's Avatar
    juict is offline Associate Member
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    gyno question

    So I noticed a little gyno. I starting taking letro and tapered up to 2.5mg/day. Now I have been at this dose (2.5mg) for 8 days.

    I was just wondering how long approximately it should tkae to be completely gone? THANKS

  2. #2
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    It varies, sometimes it doesn't work. I personally would give it 2 weeks and then start tappering down. 2.5mg/week for 2 weeks will eliminate the estrogen and should get rid of the gyno. Make sure you tapper down the letro or it will come right back. GL

  3. #3
    juict's Avatar
    juict is offline Associate Member
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    I am assuming you mean 2.5mg/day for 2 weeks right????

  4. #4
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    yes. I did that exact progam, 2.5mg/day for 2 weeks and it worked very well but the sides were very potent. I was very very dry, I mean it hurt my joints to lift the bar at the gym, no sex(completely impotent), headaches, and probably countless symptoms I was not aware of(immunity, white blood cell count, bone loss, etc). It got rid of the gyno and then I tappered down by 0.25mg/day till I got to 0.25mg/day and maintained that for about 2 more weeks then 0.25mg/EOD then stopped. I hope this helps and Good Luck!

  5. #5
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by juict
    I am assuming you mean 2.5mg/day for 2 weeks right????

    Ohh, I see where I put 2.5mg/wk. I did mean 2.5mg/day for 2 weeks, sorry.

  6. #6
    anonymous is offline Junior Member
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    do you think cia from ar-r or maybe a low dose of test/wk keep your libido up when your doin the gyno reversal??

  7. #7
    JaCKeDuPD is offline Associate Member
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    read the cbino gyno guide excellent post. im not taking any AI's and like an idiot i jumped on cycle im taking test 500 mg and eq 600 mg a week.... started my letro yest with .50 today 1.0 and tom will be 1.5 up to 2.5 then wait for my gyno to rest a sleep hopefully for good while tappering down.

    KFrost u say ur sex drive was deminished right... where u taking test while taking letro? i hope my sex drive stays nice .... an u say ur sex drive does that mean errection probs????

  8. #8
    juict's Avatar
    juict is offline Associate Member
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    Like I said I am on the letro right now. Currently on my 9th day of 2.5 mg/day. I have noticed that my gyno has greatly decreased.

    However, I gues I am getting luck with the side effects because I am not really experiencing any.

  9. #9
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JaCKeDuPD
    read the cbino gyno guide excellent post. im not taking any AI's and like an idiot i jumped on cycle im taking test 500 mg and eq 600 mg a week.... started my letro yest with .50 today 1.0 and tom will be 1.5 up to 2.5 then wait for my gyno to rest a sleep hopefully for good while tappering down.

    KFrost u say ur sex drive was deminished right... where u taking test while taking letro? i hope my sex drive stays nice .... an u say ur sex drive does that mean errection probs????
    yes, I was on test but contrary to popular belief impotence is not due solely to the lack of testosterone . Impotence(loss of abaility to get erection) from letro is not testosterone ***endent. Letro will actually increase your test levels. The impotence is due to loss of estrogen, yes estrogen. AT levels of 2.5mg/day you are virtually eliminating all your estrogen.

    Good luck with your letro treatment, it worked wonders for me and many many others for combating gyno.

  10. #10
    JaCKeDuPD is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2007
    question i did 3 days .5 .1 1.5 i wanna bump to 2.5 cuz i want this shyt gone is that bad to do...

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