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  1. #1
    Justabolin is offline New Member
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    Tren/Winny Cycle

    I've been reading post after post and I read something that still isn't perfectly clear to me. I read a post that said "...and as we all know, test should be included in every cycle...". Is it strictly for the gains or is there a chemically based reason to add it to my cycle?
    Basically, I've got my hands on Finaplix and Winny and was planning on starting when I felt confident I had done the research. I'm 27 and have been lifting consistently for 10 years now. I'm 6'0, 225lbs and def have some muscle on me (some slight love handles too though!). I'm really not interested in becoming a monster, I'm looking for some more muscle, some fat loss, and to look harder.
    That being said... my source (who knows me well) says that I'll be satisfied with just the Tren /Winny cycle. Basically a low dose cycle of Tren 50mg/eod and Winny 50mg/eod. An 80 day cycle. As far as PCT goes, I can get HCG and Letrozole but there is just seems to be so many opinions on exactly how to put it all together.
    I've considered myself to be gyno prone since I did a cycle of Deca back in highschool with no research and therefore no PCT. Did the same thing for Equipoise . Haven't touched any gear in probably 7 years now. I've got what I consider to be minimal minimal gyno, there are still random times when my nipples can be sensitive and I can def feel tiny lumps in my chest if I try. With a healthly diet and good exercise, its gone. A day or two of poor dieting and I feel like its noticeable.
    Can I get recommendation for PCT and a cycle if I choose to go with just the Tren/Winny combo? I guess I'm concerned because I don't remember any lack of sex drive last time I did a cycle, and I don't remember any shrinkage of the boys either! I just want to know that I'm taking this in a way that will give me minimal side effects.
    For the record, I'm considering a cycle because I got some bloodwork back and I'm on the very low end of normal:
    Testosterone = 389 (Range was 320-864)
    Free Test = 8.32 (Range was 3.68-19.13)
    Testosterone, BioAvail = 278.2 (Range was 101-534)
    Testosterone, % Free = 1.8% (Range was 1.6-2.9)

    To be honest I considered trying to find a hormone therapy doc or something to see if I could a legit prescription for something but my source is very confident he is steering me in right direction. Hope I'm not asking too much here! Your advice will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Test is usually a must to keep some form of testosterone in your body so your body does not get all weird. A big thing that this is a staple is because you will loose your libido without test. And remember ALL AAS are suppressive to your natty test. Once again thats why test is staple in almost every cycle, expecially ones with Tren . youd be much happier with a Prop/Tren. But for a first time I would DEF. recomend a Long acting ester of Test. Like enanthate or cyp. 2 injects per week and you would probably like the results. Tren is not in any way a beginner steroid . Be careful man, research more on this site b4 jumping into it. Also letro for PCT is not a good idea cus it KILLS your sex drive in which youll already be down from the cycle. My advice is to research some more.

  3. #3
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    bro you need some research before jumping into anything. Tren /winny combo will shut you down hard. You need test in said you know test should be in every cycle, then you should know why you need it there, especially with tren. The results you will receive are very ***endant on your diet and training. You can cut or bulk on just about any steroid , all ***ends on diet. The doses of tren and winny you want to take are too low. Tren should be shot ed to keep blood levels constant and will keep sides lower. Winny has a short half life and needs to be taken everyday if injecting. If taking orally, split your dose into twice a day. You need to get some clomid and/or nolva for PCT. I believe in running HCG during cycle, not post cycle. Helps with recovery so much better from my experience. Letro not good for PCT either. Arimidex would be a better choice. My suggestion is something like this:

    1-12 500mg/wk test e
    8-14 50 mg winny/day
    1-14 0.25 mg/day arimidex (keep bloat down)
    14-18 PCT nolva, clomid, arimidex

  4. #4
    Justabolin is offline New Member
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    Ok, So I Was Criticized But Now What?

    Ok I suppose I'd rather be criticized now before I take the stuff! So would the doses of Tren /Winny I mentioned be adequate if I added enanthate to my cycle? While I received a suggestion for a cycle, it replaced Tren with test, it didn't add the test. You think I should leave the Tren out all together?
    I can use arimidex instead for PCT, but what about an HCG recommendation. It seems some people like it post cycle while others prefer it during cycle. Any other input on that for this case?
    As far as the concerns for Tren not being a beginner steroid , what are the biggest concerns? Other than the kitchen mixing (done for me) and the eod or ed shots, what else makes you say Tren isn't for beginners? As I said before, I've been in the gym for 10 years lifting heavily so that part at least isn't new to me. Please enlighten me!

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    your not ready for a cycle w/ so many compounds.

  6. #6
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    ok i just read this again and you wanna cycle tren and winny b/c your test levels are low normal? A tren/winny cycle will put those values to zero in no time. the only thing you should run is test only since youve never cycled before. Tren is not a beginner steroid b/c it has lots of side effects. If you take multiple compounds for your first cycle and you get sides, you wont know which one caused it, thus you wont know what to do to prevent it. Tren needs to be shot every day too and most beginners dont want to inject every day either. Here is what you should do

    1-12 500 mg/wk test e
    14-18 PCT nolva/clomid
    1-11 500 IU's HCG /wk

    Very simple, no need to make it complicated, you will get great results assuming your diet and training are in place. More is not better in this game

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