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Thread: umm guys....

  1. #1
    Slaiv is offline Banned
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    umm guys....

    whats good to lower high blood pressure?

    im gettin some chest pains again and i checked my blood pressure and its pretty high

    any recommendations? will water help? fruit?


    btw its 12:53am, no doctors at this hour to go too

  2. #2
    Ryler's Avatar
    Ryler is offline Junior Member
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    i had chest pain before too, bp was 155/95. pain felt better when I would push in on that area of my chest(near to my heart)....saw my doc and he put me on lisinopril and metoprolol (ACE inhibitor and selective beta-blocker, respectively) tonight I was 124/68 with a pulse 67 took about 2 months on meds to get it under control. I'd go see the doc. also limit sodium intake

  3. #3
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    If the high BP is persistent, please seek medical attention...hypertension can be a serious drawback to AAS use if left unchecked...under the supervision of a doctor you should be able to keep your BP in check with proper medication, diet, and evaluation.

    Good luck,

  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    what AAS are you currently taking? We need to know this first off. Hawthorn berry extract is supposed to help with high BP too

  5. #5
    Slaiv is offline Banned
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    it was just last night... this is the second time it has happened to me in the 7weeks ive been on my Test E 500mg a week (250mgx2)

    and yes! i held my chest down with both my hands flat where my heart was and it lessened the pain but man that heart was just beating faaaaaast!!

    i have low sodium intake so i know im good with that...

    i just hope when i do my cardio tonight it wont hurt me chest, im increasing my cardio for my cutting and id hate for it to be hindered due to my chest pains

    last time i had the pains i didnt do cardio for a week!! i felt like a cow :'(

    but im ok now, i didnt go to sleep last till about 7am!!!! i was sweating, breathing heavy and in pain, it sucked!!!

    but im fine now.... i think ima pick up some Nestea Green Tea and some hersheys Dark Chocolate now, they are great for BP as well as good for cleaning out your blood and your veins (flavanoids) but yea

    ill have me a tea everyday and 2pc of choco a day (you know those small little hershey squares)

    thanks for your help guys....

  6. #6
    K.Biz's Avatar
    K.Biz is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slaiv
    it was just last night... this is the second time it has happened to me in the 7weeks ive been on my Test E 500mg a week (250mgx2)

    and yes! i held my chest down with both my hands flat where my heart was and it lessened the pain but man that heart was just beating faaaaaast!!

    i have low sodium intake so i know im good with that...

    i just hope when i do my cardio tonight it wont hurt me chest, im increasing my cardio for my cutting and id hate for it to be hindered due to my chest pains

    last time i had the pains i didnt do cardio for a week!! i felt like a cow :'(

    but im ok now, i didnt go to sleep last till about 7am!!!! i was sweating, breathing heavy and in pain, it sucked!!!

    but im fine now.... i think ima pick up some Nestea Green Tea and some hersheys Dark Chocolate now, they are great for BP as well as good for cleaning out your blood and your veins (flavanoids) but yea

    ill have me a tea everyday and 2pc of choco a day (you know those small little hershey squares)

    thanks for your help guys....
    I think you should see a doctor before u start thinking tea and choc are going to fix your problems, holding your chest while breathing heavy and sweating, isnt somthing to be over looked.

    get you ass to a doc. you will be happy you did.

  7. #7
    bigwillystyle's Avatar
    bigwillystyle is offline Associate Member
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    if your in dire need to lower your bp you can take an will lower your bp..but definitly see a doc

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