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  1. #1
    jrwo is offline New Member
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    Is This Pain Ok Or Do You Think It Will Get Worse

    It is my 2nd week, 4th injection, of test e. First 3 shots went fairly good, pretty sore for a few days and slightly hard in the area but got better by the 4th to 5th day.

    This latest injection was different. All have been glute shots alternating from side to side but this 4th shot when I aspirated I had some blood. I withdrew and changed needles and tried again, still blood when pulled back. I changed for another time and found a good sight with no blood about an inch away from first attempts.

    The sight is extremely sore compared to other times and is slightly red about 5-6 inches around site and is somewhat hard/enlarged. Not visibly swollen however. I felt like I had to flu for the last 36 hours but no fever at all. It is now Monday afternoon and the shot was given Friday morning. Still feeling somewhat flu-like and extremely sore to the touch and swollen more to the outside of the glute than other injections were. Do you think it will go away and maybe was due to sticking myself 3 different times and probably injecting faster than I shoud have due to wanting to get it over with?? Or is it infected and needing attention? I have read many, many threads and generally looks like it will be OK but would love recommendations. Thanks

  2. #2
    tdh_jsn's Avatar
    tdh_jsn is offline New Member
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    by the beach
    this is most likely due to both hitting the same area 3 times and if you inject to quickley this will cause it to hurt and also cause a lump to form. if it dosent get any better and gets hott to the touch you may have problems and get it looked at, but im sure your fine.

  3. #3
    scaramouche's Avatar
    scaramouche is offline Senior Member
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    flu-like symptoms rnt uncommon when starting a test cycle,can last a few days or can last the entire cycle

  4. #4
    TheSentinal's Avatar
    TheSentinal is offline Member
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    Did you use sterile procedures when doing all this? Did you reswap the injection sites with alcohol pad? You'll know if you have a abcess. Trust your instincts. See a doctor if it persists.

  5. #5
    bigwillystyle's Avatar
    bigwillystyle is offline Associate Member
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    glute injections imo suck.. stick with the shoulders(rear delt) or upper outer least you can see where your stickin yourself..your probably fine, your gear may be a little "dirty" wich can give you the flu symptoms keep rotating your injections

  6. #6
    jrwo is offline New Member
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    I was sterile and cleaned the site before each attempt as well as new needles. Flu symptoms much better today but still sore and a little red at site. Probably too worried but just didn't like how much more it hurt than the first 3 shots! Think I may try quad site but heard some not so nice things about the pain after those either from friends at my gym. I do like the idea of being able to just sit down and see what I am doing so easily.

    Would I need to put an 1.5" pin in the quad as far as I do the glute or should I keep a 1/2" out when doing those shots?

  7. #7
    BuffDJ's Avatar
    BuffDJ is offline Associate Member
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    First off you had multible shots at a muscle and drew back blood twice when you aspirated. By the way good technique. But remember that you damage vessels everytime you inject and who knows what veins or arteries you hit when you drew back blood. That causes damage and swelling. Keep warm compresses on it several times a day and see if it gets better. If not make a visit to you Doc.

  8. #8
    jrwo is offline New Member
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    Feeling much better. Still fairly hard and sore in that area but enough improvement daily to stay away from Dr. for now. As far as quad shots, how deep should I go?

  9. #9
    bigwillystyle's Avatar
    bigwillystyle is offline Associate Member
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    1'' will be fine..if your quads not to fatty

  10. #10
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    if it keeps getting worse/red/harder more painful and lasts over 8 day then u got issues.. otherwise u just got some old hormone or a crappy recipie.

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