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  1. #1
    halifax is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2002

    Prone to acne what cycle would you suggest?

    Hey guys,

    I am very prone to acne on my back as soon as I take any test at all. No matter what, after 6 weeks into a cycle my back is oily and full of big red "hurting type" of acne... and then it takes 8-10 weeks untill it clears again leaving a lot of scaring (spots) on my back... and that takes months to clear somewhat...

    I have tried Enanthate : 700mg/w then cut it too 500mg/w, then down to 300mg/w...

    After this I tried Propionate thinking that being a "short test" I can cut it as soon as I see the side effects... So tried 500mg/w and then 350mg/w but same results.

    So I am now thinking skipping test totally and just go with winny, deca , or primo cycle, or a combined something of these...

    So my question: ANY SUGGESTION ON WHAT TO DO???

    Thanks guys,

  2. #2
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2005
    Imo Primo/Winny combo would be good, they are much more anabolic than androgenic , which means less acne for someone who are prone...You could add in some proviron for libido purposes,( if it becomes an issue.)

  3. #3
    drewvox's Avatar
    drewvox is offline Junior Member
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    Bob Loblaw
    Great answer Vitor, that's the cycle my bro was on for the very same reason.

    I know back in the day a few bros used Accutane to battle the acne as well. Not sure if this is still common procedure or not.

    Good luck bro!

  4. #4
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    I'd run some Accutane but get regular BW done. Perhaps every 5-6 weeks. Or more frequent if your also using 17aa's. I'd also use a low dose. Say 10mg/Ed or 20mg every 1-2 days.

    Be sure to use an AI when "on". If your using androgens that cause estrogen to increase at all.

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