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  1. #1
    eckstg is offline Associate Member
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    Professionals & training while on AAS

    I have heard before that bodybuilders on the level as of jay cutler or ronnie coleman train as much as twice a day to get their kinda growth and didnt quite understand what that meant.

    Is this BS rumors or do some pro bodybuilders train as much as twice a day for a few hours in gym at a time and how so if they do?Does that mean their hitting bodyparts more than twice a week or just longer rest periods and more exercises?

    Is this only possible because their on massive doses or either hgh or genetics or what?

    Also how can you tell for yourself if you can train a bodypart more than once a week is ok or you should just stick to hitting 1 bodypart once a week?Seems while on cycle you might be ok to hitem more than once since aas suppose to speed growth up but maybe im preceiving what that meant differently than how it reads on ar-review under training while on aas.

  2. #2
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Pro's are human just like us, their genetics are superior to to the majority of the population but that doesn't mean that they can train 3 times a day for 3 hours each session. When pro's say in their videos that they are in the gym 2 or 3 times a day it doesn't mean they are killing themselves each time like you would think.

    As pro's they know what it takes to keep on seeing results and rest is very important for growth. Most of them that I know only work one muscle group per week with the exception of calves and some other smaller muscles. One of their workouts will be the muscle group on that day, chest for example, then the 2nd workout might be cardio and if their is a 3rd it may be a smaller muscle or more cardio d e pending if they are cutting down for a contest.

    When a pro says he is going to work out 3 times today it could mean cardio in the morning, hitting a muscle group and then cardio later again at night. They aren't doing chest in the morning, shoulders in the afternoon and then back or legs in the evening.

    I myself train every muscle group once per week because with the amount of intensity I put into each workout once per week is all i need for muscle growth. Training larger muscles intensely will tear them down enough and giving them that extra couple of days rest will allow them to heal enough so you can hit them hard again the next time. Even with aas and the quicker recovery time doesn't mean that you have to train each muscle twice a week, allowing the muscles to rest those extra couple days is beneficial and allows you to work harder next time to break down more muscle tissue.

  3. #3
    doolo's Avatar
    doolo is offline Associate Member
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    It's called split training. They will take a compounding muscle group like chest and shoulders. They will hit the bigger muscle being chest in the am and then the smaller shoulder muscles in the pm. Lats and then bi's is popular or somthing odd like quads am and abs pm. Lotta different ways to go about it but yah ive heard of pros doing it like that.

  4. #4
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2006
    arnold used to do his full work out in the morning for 4 hours and then every other day work out his legs at night

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