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  1. #1
    d_nelly78 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2007

    Long cycles-16 weeks?

    I am currently on a 250 mg every third day Sustanon cycle. I started with four weeks of d-bol at 25 mg and have winstol to run at 50 mg a day at end of cycle for three weeksif I do the 8 week cycle. My question is should I do what I originally planned and do two 8 week cycles, or just run one 16 week one. I have the gear on hand and have plenty of nolva and clomid. If I run it for 16 weeks I will do 6 weeks of winstol at the end starting at week 13. My stats are 29 yo 6'1' 15%bf at 230 lbs. Been lifting for 17 years and have done a few cycles. First cycle was test e at 500 mg for 8 weeks, awesome gains. Second cycle was a test prop 150 mg EOD and EQ 300 mg week, solid gains. Also did a couple short clen and winstrol cycles. Then I joined the Army a few years back and lost most of the size I put on with cycles. I am naturally back up to almost 230 but would like to get more solid. Haven't done a real cycle in over three years. Any advice is good. I hope this post is not too confusing. Thanks

  2. #2
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Dec 2002
    I would start shooting the sust Everyday, if not Every other day....i suggest seeing how well you adapt and grow to this cycle, nothing has to be planned for an X amount of wks, hell, if youre still growing past the 8 wk mark, stretch it to 12, it doesnt have to jump from 8 to 16 wks, i dont think thats using the best logic...i would see how it goes man...


  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    I would start shooting the sust Everyday, if not Every other day....i suggest seeing how well you adapt and grow to this cycle, nothing has to be planned for an X amount of wks, hell, if youre still growing past the 8 wk mark, stretch it to 12, it doesnt have to jump from 8 to 16 wks, i dont think thats using the best logic...i would see how it goes man...

    I would agree with CD, split your sus dose up into ED or EOD shots and go with how your body responds, once you start to see your gains slow or stop then its time to consider stopping the cycle and running some pct. dont set a number of wks go with how your responding.

  4. #4
    drewvox's Avatar
    drewvox is offline Junior Member
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    Bob Loblaw
    Great answers. I'm writing that info down.

  5. #5
    d_nelly78 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2007
    I wish running the sus was easier. I hate the stuff, I have no problem with injections but its having to hide all the evidence. In my current situation I do not have much personal space and have to sneak around doing this. I tried to get enanthate but the language barrier I experience with my source makes getting the right stuff difficult. Also, to run EOD I would have to take 750mg a week and thats way too much for my experience. I will let my body decide how long to stay on cycle. Thanks for the input

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