ok we all know that good diet and training is required to maintain the gains of a cycle. as a natural i train betw 12-16 weeks before i take a week off. i use this 1 week to get rid of any accumulated fatigue and/or prevent overtraining. (psychologically it helps as well - i always feel fresh and REALLY ready to go after a week off)

however a basic cycle of dbol + test e will but me at 12 weeks on (test e up till week 10, pct 2 weeks later) and 4 weeks of PCT. without a doubt i can't take my rest week anytime between these 16 weeks. since i'm able to prevent overtraining by taking a week off every 12-16 weeks when i'm natural i think i can easily do 16-20 weeks if the first 12 weeks i'm on cycle and my recovery is faster.

is continued hard training and good diet for 1-2 mths post cycle (inclusive of pct) enough to maintain the gains? or should i continue for a full 12 weeks after i'm off?