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  1. #1
    sammy825 is offline New Member
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    cycle.. opinions?

    does this look like a good way to cycle t3?

    Day 1-4 25mcg
    Day 5-8 50mcg
    Day 9-12 75mcg
    Day 13-30 100mcg
    Day 31-34 75mcg
    Day 35-38 50mcg
    Day 39-42 25mcg
    Day 43+ none

    I have t4 as well, should I be taking it at the same time as t3? Someone told me they are the same thing, but another person said you will get more results when you take them together. Apparently some peoples bodies don't convert t3 to t4 very efficiently. Opinions please

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i love a 3:1 or even 4:1 ratio of T4/T3 when dieting.
    lil more background would be appreciated though
    T3 can be very very catabolic so when i have people dieting down w/o any type of aas i usually have them use T4 instead of T3 as it is far more muscle sparing than T3 .. though it is quite a bit slower.

  3. #3
    sammy825 is offline New Member
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    I have clen , but I don't like the way it makes me feel. I felt like my brain was drying out, it was a really weird feeling. Plus I had bad muscle cramps even though I took taurine.

    I would like to take both t3 and t4- to lose the weight faster, obviously So, If I took 100 mcgs of t3 I would take 300-400 mcgs of t4? Would I take them at the same time during the day? I know you are supposed to dose your t3 throughout the day (EX: 50 mcgs morning, 50 in the evening)

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0ckyam1nd
    I have clen , but I don't like the way it makes me feel. I felt like my brain was drying out, it was a really weird feeling. Plus I had bad muscle cramps even though I took taurine.

    I would like to take both t3 and t4- to lose the weight faster, obviously So, If I took 100 mcgs of t3 I would take 300-400 mcgs of t4? Would I take them at the same time during the day? I know you are supposed to dose your t3 throughout the day (EX: 50 mcgs morning, 50 in the evening)
    yeah.. thats lil on the high side their kiddo lol.
    say bout 50-75mcg T3 and 200 MAYBE 300mcg T4
    i always take them on an empty stomache first thing when waking up prior to cardio. that has always worked best for me.
    personally i would suggest 5mg Var ED am w/ them but i dont knwo enuff bout your history to say DO IT so i will leave that up to ur own personal judgement.. BUT IF YOU have to ask about var.. your really not ready for it.
    imo clen is dumb

  5. #5
    sammy825 is offline New Member
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    with a 1500 calorie diet and half an hour of cardio 5 times a week, what could someone expect to lose weekly? I've heard t3 and t4 are almost as powerful as DNP .
    Thanks for your advice,no one has been too willing to share their cycles with me when i've asked before

  6. #6
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0ckyam1nd
    with a 1500 calorie diet and half an hour of cardio 5 times a week, what could someone expect to lose weekly? I've heard t3 and t4 are almost as powerful as DNP .
    Thanks for your advice,no one has been too willing to share their cycles with me when i've asked before
    well considering the body only likes to drop ruffly 2lbs of fat AT most per week (this is also ***endent upon the size of the individual) and maybe a 1lb of water per week for the first few weeks.. the expected weight loss.. is "who knows" lol i say 3lbs a week is ideal anymore ur really starting to drop muscle and slowdown/impede ur metabolic rate. of course there is glycogen and glycogen retained water so u can statistically drop 12-15lbs the first week of dieting though maybe 2lbs of it is fat.

    nothing is really as pwrful as DNP but DNP is a pretty VICIOUS compound and is NO FUN by anymeans... definetly not made for women.. it will toast ur eggs (literally).

    u shud take ur diet over to the diet section of this forum and post it up.. they got some pretty good heads over there that can critique it and greatly help you out. as T3/T4 and any other drugs u use are only ACCESSORIES to ones diet and not the main contributor.

  7. #7
    sammy825 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2006
    I think i'll browse the diet section. My problem is, i'm a very picky eater. Maybe they can help me figure something out.
    Thanks again!

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