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  1. #1
    asing is offline New Member
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    Just finished first cycle WOW!!! Need advice on a lower dosage longer cycle now

    Male, 36, 6'2", 265lbs. Yea I am a bit overweight but in pretty good strength condition.
    Newibie cycle:
    Week 1 to 10: 500mg of test weekly
    wk 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
    wk 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
    wk 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
    Clenbuterol for PCT 3 tabs per day

    22 x TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE IRAN 250mg/ml (best brand)
    2 x NOLVADEX 10mg, 100 tabs by Do not post lab names
    3 x CLOMID 50mg, 10tabs by Do not post lab names
    1 x CLENBUTEROL 40 mcg by Do not post lab names (Size: 50 tabs)

    I started the end of this January, complete cycle includeing PCT was end of May.

    I am also taking quite a few supplements and protein now:
    juiceplus (good stuff imo)

    So, the cycle went very very well. My wife is a med/rehab massage therapist, so was working on me several times a week.

    About one and a half months into it, I had put on 20lbs and was lifting and feeling better than ever....horny as **** too....I referred this issue to my massage therapist . At any rate, she was working on me and, my muscles growing so fast, said that If dont stop and take a break, I am going to tear something. So I took her advice and brought the weight down quite a bit. consequently I lost a lot of my gain.
    Again I responded extremely well to the ENAN, I was pleasantly shocked .
    What I am looking for is something that would last 6 months or so.

    How soon can I start another cycle? And what should it be, could I do the same cycle and do 250 rather than 500 per week and double the length? Are there prohormones that I can buy over the counter that are worth a shit to give a bump to my workouts.

    I am staying on a really good regimen, but fat wise I need to loose 30lbs still.
    Should I go on CLEN or T4 for this? get the weight off and then think about starting to bulk up again?

    As always, thanks folks, always good advice.
    First cycle went off with out a hitch really.

  2. #2
    x_moe's Avatar
    x_moe is offline Anabolic Member
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    bro edit all the lab names Now

  3. #3
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Ok, you lost a lot of weight and you think it was the muscle gains? doubt it, probably fat and water weight you lost. Also what percentage BF are you? If you need to loose 30lbs of fat then AAS are NOT for you. AAS affect your cholesterol negatively and being overweight as you have stated is bad for your cardiovascular system. And loosing the fat? Try a clean diet and lots of cardio mixed in with weight training. And NO your not going to tear anything unless you just recently started lifting weights....and i hope thats not the case. What you need is to start the cardio and hit it hard along with a clean diet (which you can find in the diet section of this board) and then you'll loose the fat. Continue with weight training as well so you can keep building muscle naturally while loosing fat. You do have one thing right tho, get the fat weight off and then you can bulk up.

  4. #4
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    What is it with everyone posting lab names lately? Theres crackdowns going on all over the place and yet people insist on ignoring the rules and putting more ugls at risk. Bottom line, pay attention to the rules or dont post. just my 2 cents

  5. #5
    Mista Massive's Avatar
    Mista Massive is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic
    What is it with everyone posting lab names lately? Theres crackdowns going on all over the place and yet people insist on ignoring the rules and putting more ugls at risk. Bottom line, pay attention to the rules or dont post. just my 2 cents

    AR's new member monitor?

  6. #6
    luckylou's Avatar
    luckylou is offline Banned
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    Mar 2007
    Dude, The FIRST and ONLY Thing you need to do is DIET!
    You should not be taking anything if you need to Lose 30lbs!
    Loose the Weight FIRST!

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