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Thread: Adrenaline

  1. #1
    DavidYork2's Avatar
    DavidYork2 is offline Associate Member
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    Would adrenaline injections play any part in bodybuilding?

    I only ask this because a few years ago I rented a house in Spain from a Mexican doctor and he had a rather large stash of vials of injectable substances in a kitchen drawer; some things I didn't recognise, some morphine and some adrenaline among others.

    I haven't got any of them, and wasn't interested in gear back then anyway, but thinking back to it now I wondered if they would have been usable... I mean, a huge adrenaline rush in the gym would probably get you lifting double what you normally do, but I don't know if the injections work like that.

    I was just curious and thought I'd throw it out there.

  2. #2
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    No way! I would not touch that you can really hurt yourself.

  3. #3
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    yeah no use for bodybuilding. morphine, adrenaline, sounds like that doctor had a problem..

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    you inject adrenaline and get ready to go into cardiac arrest!!!!!!!!lol, you give somebody adrenaline and that usually means they have some serious shit going on and they are in the cardio respiratory unit of the hospital. I'm not a doctor but if you can inject pure adrenaline into your blood stream then I'd try that shit , I love being jacked.LOL

    maybe that's what they put in redline?

  5. #5
    DavidYork2's Avatar
    DavidYork2 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gooer
    yeah no use for bodybuilding. morphine, adrenaline, sounds like that doctor had a problem..

    He was an oddball. He was renting the house to me until he sold it, at the time he was living on his boat. Sailing around getting stoned everyday. He was quite a character.

  6. #6
    Stock's Avatar
    Stock is offline Member
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    If you saw the movie Pulp Fiction, then you know what the adrenaline was for. Especially if you found it with the other stuff you mentioned.

  7. #7
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    You're speaking of a totally different hormonal system that's not germane to bb'ing, and can cause some serious heart (and other organ) problems if improperly dosed or administered, as well a host of other issues.

    For a comic reference, see the movie "Crank" when Jason Statham injects too much Epinephrine.
    Last edited by magic32; 06-25-2007 at 08:35 PM.

  8. #8
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    Yes, just go watch Crank.

    And yeah, it would probably make you able to lift 2-3 times what you normally lift. But it's pretty much artificial strength, as it just causes your body to use ATP and burn off energy like 50 times more efficiently and faster than normal. After that wears off, then it's back to normal. Plus I heard the adrenaline injections don't last long. Something like 5 minutes until it's gone, so you'd have to inject while at the gym.

  9. #9
    DavidYork2's Avatar
    DavidYork2 is offline Associate Member
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    I think I will watch this Crank you speak of!

    But yeah, I wasn't asking for like, 'research' purposes... I was just curious as it was something I remembered last night and it intrigued me.

    Oh, they also said on the vials, 'parenteral' as the form of administration... What is that? It said it where the others were labelled 'intravenous' or 'intramuscular'. What is a 'parenteral' injection? (The spelling may be wrong. It was Spanish and I have a poor memory).

  10. #10
    kal300's Avatar
    kal300 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DavidYork2
    I think I will watch this Crank you speak of!

    But yeah, I wasn't asking for like, 'research' purposes... I was just curious as it was something I remembered last night and it intrigued me.

    Oh, they also said on the vials, 'parenteral' as the form of administration... What is that? It said it where the others were labelled 'intravenous' or 'intramuscular'. What is a 'parenteral' injection? (The spelling may be wrong. It was Spanish and I have a poor memory).

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