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  1. #1
    The Punnisher's Avatar
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    I have a Test dilema

    I have been planning my next cycle and I was pretty much set on a Test Cyp and D-Bol. However, my contact is having a real hard time finding Cyp. He said he can get me Sust 250 (human grade) for about the same price that the Cyp would have been, but I haven't really done much research on Sust. I know it's basic make up and I understand what it is, but I spent the last 3 months researching Test Cyp, dosages, sides, etc... Should I wait on him being able to find Cyp, or should I take a shot on the Sust?
    My plans for the Cyp was 500 mg's for 12 weeks, D-Bol at 20 mg's weeks 1-4 and then possibly Winny weeks 9-12. I am ordering Arimidex for on cycle estrogen control and I'll use Aromasin and Nolvadex for PCT. I also thought about adding some Albuterol to my PCT, but I'm not set on that.
    So, I guess my long winded question is, will all of my research into dosages and PCT carry over to the Sust in the event that I can't get Cyp? I will not go to ANYONE other than my one contact. I trust him and I don't trust many people, so what he can get, I can get.

  2. #2
    lilripped's Avatar
    lilripped is offline Associate Member
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    Test is test. Dosage wise at least.

  3. #3
    lilripped's Avatar
    lilripped is offline Associate Member
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    You might want to check to see if you can get some enanthate as its easier to find than cyp and is basically the same thing.

  4. #4
    The Punnisher's Avatar
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    Yeah, that's what I've been reading, but it seems that lately people are really hating on Sust for some reason. I haven't found any legitimate reasons, but it's definitely out there.
    Is there any difference injections wise, with human grade Test rather than something designed to be injected into an animal?

  5. #5
    lilripped's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Punnisher
    Yeah, that's what I've been reading, but it seems that lately people are really hating on Sust for some reason. I haven't found any legitimate reasons, but it's definitely out there.
    Is there any difference injections wise, with human grade Test rather than something designed to be injected into an animal?
    No injections will be the same whether its human or animal. Also people don't like sust because it is more difficult to keep blood levels stable. More frequent injections are necessary.

  6. #6
    lilripped's Avatar
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    oh and you might want to change your winny to run until 24 hours before you start pct.

  7. #7
    lilripped's Avatar
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    Sust you start pct 18 days after last injection.

  8. #8
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Punnisher
    Yeah, that's what I've been reading, but it seems that lately people are really hating on Sust for some reason. I haven't found any legitimate reasons, but it's definitely out there.
    Is there any difference injections wise, with human grade Test rather than something designed to be injected into an animal?
    Its like Ford vs Chevy. You cannot find any legitmate reasons because there are none.

    The thing that turns most people off about Sust is the price usually, so they fabricate other BS to justify not running it because they are cheap asses.

    Sust is fine.

    I agree though, If you can find Test Enanthate , run it. You are going to shoot it twice a week just like you would Cyp.

    Sides are going to be virtually the same with all test. Though longer esters do tend to make bloat sensitive people bloat more, but that is easily combated by running an AI like Arimidex while on cycle.

  9. #9
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Punnisher
    Yeah, that's what I've been reading, but it seems that lately people are really hating on Sust for some reason. I haven't found any legitimate reasons, but it's definitely out there.
    Is there any difference injections wise, with human grade Test rather than something designed to be injected into an animal?
    The only difference between animal and human grade pharms is one (human grade) is more tightly regulated by the federal government and has to meet more regulations.

    Both are actually safe. Cows can get infections and have issues just like we can.

  10. #10
    lilripped's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kynetguy
    Its like Ford vs Chevy. You cannot find any legitmate reasons because there are none.

    The thing that turns most people off about Sust is the price usually, so they fabricate other BS to justify not running it because they are cheap asses.

    Sust is fine.

    I agree though, If you can find Test Enanthate , run it. You are going to shoot it twice a week just like you would Cyp.

    Sides are going to be virtually the same with all test. Though longer esters do tend to make bloat sensitive people bloat more, but that is easily combated by running an AI like Arimidex while on cycle.
    Definitely wasn't saying that sust is bad if that's what you were getting at. I have used sust a few times and had great results. I do personally prefer enanthate though. But everyone is different.

  11. #11
    Roidal's Avatar
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    Go with Sust as it's just as good as Cyp, only difference is that sust will stay in the body for up to a month from your last injection, and for this reason you'll need to delay the pct for 3 weeks, as that's when you're blood androgen levels would have reached their lowest levels.

  12. #12
    The Punnisher's Avatar
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    Ok, I'll have him look into Enth, but if Sust is my only option right now, I shouldn't be thinking of dumping the whole idea, that's basically what I wanted to hear.

  13. #13
    lilripped's Avatar
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    Yep you're good to go with sust if you can't get enanthate .

  14. #14
    The Punnisher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by locofoco
    Go with Sust as it's just as good as Cyp, only difference is that sust will stay in the body for up to a month from your last injection, and for this reason you'll need to delay the pct for 3 weeks, as that's when you're blood androgen levels would have reached their lowest levels.
    Ok that shouldn't be a problem since I'm going to run Arimadex during cycle, I'll just run it right up to my PCT which I'll start 3 weeks after last shot. Should be pretty simple. I am very bloat prone, but I don't seem to be Gyno prone. That's why I am running the A-dex during cycle.

  15. #15
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Punnisher
    Ok, I'll have him look into Enth, but if Sust is my only option right now, I shouldn't be thinking of dumping the whole idea, that's basically what I wanted to hear.
    Oh absolutely not. Test is test. The only thing you will have to change is injection frequency and PCT timing. When you get your test, we can square you away on those two things or point you where to read.

    Hell, you could use test Prop. (which is my personal very favoritest bestest test for me in the world) But you have to inject it everyday. . .84 times for a 12 week cycle to be exact. Versus 24 for Cyp or Enan, or 42-28 for Sust. ( EOD vs every 3 days)

  16. #16
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilripped
    Definitely wasn't saying that sust is bad if that's what you were getting at. I have used sust a few times and had great results. I do personally prefer enanthate though. But everyone is different.
    No No, I was replying to Punnisher when he said people are hating Sust but he couldn't find any legitimate reasons why. So I was not pointing that at you at all.

    But I do see a lot of stuff about Sust that just is utter BS.

  17. #17
    The Punnisher's Avatar
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    Ok, I'll tell him to go ahead and get me enough Sust to run 500 mg's for 12 weeks. I'm gonna have him get the D-bol for me, but I think I'm going to skip the Winny this time around. I have beat up joints as it is and I don't want to make them worse. I'll post up as soon as I get the gear.

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