Thread: heavy 2nd (cut)
06-27-2007, 12:38 AM #1
TestE & TrenE & SD > heavy 2nd (cut)
Hi Guys!
My stats
Almost 26 years old
about 15% BF
My first cycle was Teso E at 450mg per week for 20 weeks and OT at 25mg for 1 week and at 50 for about 3 weeks.
I could add almost 19 pounds and get rid of some BF%!
It’s been almost a year since I ended the cycle…
This is going to be my 2nd cycle.
Week 1-14,5 > Testo E @ 300mg & Tren E @ 200mg e5d
Week 14,5-18 > Teso E @ 250mg e5d
Week 1-4 OT @ 40mg
Week 12-15 SD @ 20mg 2weeks and @ 30mg for the last Week
Week 20 starting PCT
I got Ari (-midex) and Nolva here as well!
Priority of this cycle is to cut!
At the end of week 15 is going to be a photo shoot if everything is going well!
As soon as I reached the BF% I want I will try to add some more solid mucle…
I know that it’s a pretty heavy 2nd cycle compound wise…
But I told my GF that I always leave 1year between cycles to recover and get blood work done…
What do you guys think?Last edited by Mel1; 06-28-2007 at 01:35 AM.
06-28-2007, 01:37 AM #2
Dos nobody have to say something about it?!
07-10-2007, 02:42 AM #3
I changed it up a little:
Week 1-14,5 > Testo E @ 300mg & Tren E @ 200mg e5d
Week 1-4 Oral T-bol @ 40mg
Week 12-15 SuperDrol @ 20mg 2weeks and @ 30mg for the last Week
Week 14,5-23 > Teso C @ 150mg e3d & NPP @ 100mg e3d
Week 25 PCT
Week 1-15 > "cut"
Week 15-23 > "clean bulk"
What do you think?Last edited by Mel1; 07-10-2007 at 02:48 AM.
07-10-2007, 07:40 AM #4
I forgot that i will run T3 (25mcgs/day) & B6 (200mg/day) as well...
Originally Posted by Mel1
IMO, you should bulk first then cut (there's then at least something to cut). Don't worry about BF%, 15% ain't that bad. Plus, if you do a clean bulk with tren, you could even lose a few BF% even before you cut!
That said, if you still decide to stick to this cut-first-then-bulk cycle you have, then I would use test prop instead of test E wks 1-14/5, (also add some anavar or masteron for that duration). Also switch tren E to tren A. Lose the Superdrol. For bulking, test Cyp is fine but switch NPP for deca . You could even jump start (4-5 wks) with some d-bol. I will leave the dosing as your homework.
Man, You have some serious "ester" preference issues
07-10-2007, 03:04 PM #6
Thank you for the input!
Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
I will think about it a post my thought's!
Thanks again!
Anyone more Input?
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