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Thread: Help

  1. #1
    Grizzly420's Avatar
    Grizzly420 is offline Associate Member
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    I accidently took 400mcg's of Clen this morning. My dosage should have been only 100mcg's. What should i do??????

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzly420
    I accidently took 400mcg's of Clen this morning. My dosage should have been only 100mcg's. What should i do??????
    Depends on the sides you are getting, how are you feeling ?

  3. #3
    ebjack's Avatar
    ebjack is offline Senior Member
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    In Jessica Alba's bagina
    copied this from another board::
    If you start feeling really bad, rapid HR, sweating, stuff like that..

    This is mainly for if someone OD's on Clen , and they are using the search button to see what to do...

    A good bro on MuscleNexus accidentally OD'd on Clenbuterol , and was given some good advice by a MOD (and Doctor) there known as Lunkhead, and he pulled through fine...

    Here is what he said to do:

    - This is the easiest thing in the world to fix: go to a walk in clinic or ER, tell them that you accidently took too much of your friend's asthma medication (you can say it's controlled release albuterol/salbutamol--- they won't know the difference) and they can give you a Beta-blocker like propanolol.

    - It's important for them to know that you are NOT an asthmatic (I'm assuming that you are not) because they will get confused and not want to give you the beta-blocker for fear of provoking bronchospasm.

    - A few mg intravenously will make you feel better right away and then you can take 80 mg twice daily for 2-3 days and then wean off it.

    - They may want to give you activated charcoal to swallow (binds the clen) if it has been less than 6 hrs from the ingestion. Not fun eating that stuff, but worth it IMO.

    - Eat a few bananas if you can. Clen will waste potassium like crazy and lead to cardiac arrhythmias.

    - Definitely go in ASAP.

    - You'll be fine.

  4. #4
    Grizzly420's Avatar
    Grizzly420 is offline Associate Member
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    Guys went to the hp they monitored for 2hrs and said that i would be fine but damn i shaking. Other than that just bad muscle tremors I seem to be fine thanks for those who responded I do appreciate it. word to the wise dont think about winny dosage when taking clen

  5. #5
    ebjack's Avatar
    ebjack is offline Senior Member
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    In Jessica Alba's bagina
    good to hear fuking careful

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