07-09-2007, 03:20 AM #1
I dont feel my russian farmadon prop
I have got this russian rockets ampoules of test prop from farmadon.At first i thought they are fake but cheking out this forum threads i saw that they are legit.I didnt got them in a box so it seemed bizzare that the ampules dont have a manufacturer brand on them and that dosent write the expiration date on them.This ampules have some numbers on them,i think the lot number.Can anyone tell me that when they expire?The numbers are 40603.Im now in a cycle of 400mgs/week of this kind of prop,im in day 7 and still not sense a rise in my libido and besides prop i take 25mgs of proviron (i will rise it to 50mg). and still no changes in libido.My work outs i think they go a little bit betther.This is my 2nd cycle.The first one was a year a go,a 2month cycle consisted in 500mgs/10 days of omnadren .i dont remeber when it kicked in but i have felt good on that stuff,got about 4kgs on me in that time and i remeber i had a very high libido.I could go with my gf up to 6 numbers a day,i had a crazy spermatogenesis..Should i bee concerned with the quality of this prop or waith a feew more days to really kick in?Here is a link of a picture with my gear.
P.S. I shoot eod.Consecutive days of shooting are sunday and monday then eod.Thanks in advance for the answers.
400 mg of short acting test a week is actually on the lower range (closer to the TRT level) and doesn't really build up in your system, especially since you shoot EOD, which may cause some serious fluctuations in serum levels... all that might explain why you are not feeling the increased libido like on cyp. However, that does not mean that your test prop is illegit or not working...just stick with it, see your gains and don't get so hung up on the libido issue. If your are not meeting your goals, then either go for ED injections or increase dosage to 600mg/wk.
Last edited by InsaneInTheMembrane; 07-09-2007 at 10:48 AM.
07-09-2007, 04:48 PM #3Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
Never tried andriol so I can't tell you for sure...but I know some people who scoff at it and others who swear by it. In anycase, stick with one type of test at a time I'd say, so it would be easier to up your test prop.
07-10-2007, 09:57 AM #5
personaly i get a boner within hrs of taking prop and noticable pumps by the end of the week,never dealt with rusky stuff so can comment,i too would be wondering in ur shoes
07-10-2007, 11:07 AM #6Originally Posted by scaramouche
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